Control the rate of requests to destinations within the service mesh. The following examples show you different types of rate limiting, such as based on header requests. For a simple example based on generic key requests, see Basic rate limit policy.

Before you begin

  1. Complete the multicluster getting started guide to set up the following testing environment.

    • Three clusters along with environment variables for the clusters and their Kubernetes contexts.
    • The Gloo meshctl CLI, along with other CLI tools such as kubectl and istioctl.
    • The Gloo management server in the management cluster, and the Gloo agents in the workload clusters.
    • Istio installed in the workload clusters.
    • A simple Gloo workspace setup.
  2. Install Bookinfo and other sample apps.
  3. Make sure that the rate limiting service is installed and running. If not, install the rate limiting service.

      kubectl get pods --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1 -A -l app=rate-limiter
  4. Create the Gloo resources for this policy in the management and workload clusters. For more information about the rate limit server and client configuration resources, see Rate limit server setup.

Set-style request header example, in-line policy

The following example rate limits requests based on headers, in the set-style API. The setActions are configured within the policy, instead of in the reusable client config.

Set-style request header example, in the client config

The following example rate limits requests based on headers, in the set-style API. The setActions are configured within a client config, so that you can reuse the configuration across other policies.

Raw-style tuples in request headers

The following example nests descriptors in the raw style in the server config, to express rules based on tuples instead of a single value. This rule enforces a limit of 1 request per minute for any unique combination of type and number values in the request header.

The client config defines the actions to match with the server descriptors.

If a request has both the x-type and x-number headers, it is counted towards the limit. If the request does not have one or both headers, then no rate limit is enforced.

Raw-style nested descriptors

Building off the previous raw-style example, you might want to enforce a limit if the type is provided but the number is not.

In the server config, you can nest the number descriptor within the type descriptor.

In the client config, define actions for two separate rate limits:

  • One to increment the counter for the type limit.
  • One to increment the counter for the type and number pair, when both are present.

The request results in a 429 rate limit error response if either limit is reached.

Matching is attempted against the key and value pair before matching against only the key.

Note that in the rate limit configuration “tree,” only the leaf values serve as wildcards that set up a unique limit. The nested, non-leaf descriptors that do not have values serve as a catch-all.

If you use nested descriptors and the descriptor has no value, the cache key does not append the value for the nested, non-leaf configuration. In the nested descriptors example, no value is set for type or number. In this case, the same limit is used regardless of the x-type header value that is sent. However, the x-number header value has a different limit per value, because this field is the leaf node in the descriptor tree.

Priority and weights

You can specify weights on descriptors. For a particular request that has multiple sets of matching actions, the server evaluates each and then increments only the matching rules with the highest weight. By default, the weight is 0.

The following example adds a weight: 1 field to the server config. When a request has both the x-type and x-number headers, then the server evaluates both limits: the limit on type alone, and the limit on the combination of type and number.

Because the number has a higher weight, the server increments only that counter. In this setup, requests with a unique type and number are allowed 10 requests per minute, but requests that have only a type are limited to 1 per minute.

To make sure a rule is always applied, you can add the alwaysApply option to the descriptor.

Multiple limits per remote address

As shown in previous examples, you can use the remote_address descriptor to rate limit based on the downstream client address. In practice, you might want to express multiple rules, such as a per-second and per-minute limit.

To do so, you can make remote_address a nested descriptor, with distinct generic keys.

Prioritized traffic based on HTTP method

A useful tactic for building resilient, distributed systems is to implement different rate limits for different “priorities” or “classes” of traffic. This practice is related to the concept of load shedding.

Suppose you have exposed an API that supports both GET and POST methods for listing data and creating resources. Although both functions are important, ultimately the POST action is more important to your business. Therefore, you want to protect the availability of the POST function at the expense of the less important GET function.

  • In the server config, GET requests are limited to 2 per minute.

  • In the client config, the actions are configured to extract the method from the request headers.