meshctl external-workload onboard

Onboard the external workload instance to the mesh.


Onboard the external workload instance to the mesh. This command must be run as root because it installs packages and configures services that require root privileges. To install the agent software as a part of the onboarding, use the –install, –istio, –spire, –otel flags in addition to the onboard options.

  meshctl external-workload onboard [flags]


# Onboard a GCP instance corresponding to the ExternalWorkload 'my-workload' in the 'dev' namespace by allowing it to connect to the Kubernetes cluster 'test' via the Kubernetes 'istio-eastwest/istio-eastwestgateway' gateway with address '', trust domain 'cluster.local':

  sudo meshctl external-workload onboard --attestor gcp --ext-workload dev/my-workload --cluster test --gateway istio-eastwest/istio-eastwestgateway --gateway-addr --trust-domain cluster.local"

# Onboard an AWS instance corresponding to the ExternalWorkload 'my-workload' in the 'dev' namespace by allowing it to connect to the Kubernetes cluster 'test' via the Kubernetes 'istio-eastwest/istio-eastwestgateway' gateway with address '', trust domain 'cluster.local':

  sudo meshctl external-workload onboard --attestor aws --ext-workload dev/my-workload --cluster test --gateway istio-eastwest/istio-eastwestgateway --gateway-addr --trust-domain cluster.local

# Onboard an AWS instance corresponding to the ExternalWorkload 'my-workload' in the 'dev' namespace, in the Istio network 'vpc-123', by allowing it to connect to the cluster 'test' in a different Istio network 'vpc-456' via the cluster's 'istio-eastwest/istio-eastwestgateway' gateway with address '', trust domain 'cluster.local':

  sudo meshctl external-workload onboard --attestor aws --ext-workload dev/my-workload --network vpc-123 --cluster test --gateway istio-eastwest/istio-eastwestgateway --gateway-addr --trust-domain cluster.local

# Onboard an instance corresponding to the ExternalWorkload 'my-workload' in the 'dev' namespace by allowing it to connect to the cluster 'test' by using a one-time join-token 'e471c564-71e8-4a38-8bbd-02b0e267f971' via the cluster's  'istio-eastwest/istio-eastwestgateway' gateway with address '', trust domain 'cluster.local':

  sudo meshctl external-workload onboard --ext-workload dev/my-workload --attestor token --join-token e471c564-71e8-4a38-8bbd-02b0e267f971 --cluster test --gateway istio-eastwest/istio-eastwestgateway --gateway-addr --trust-domain cluster.local

# Install the agent packages as a part of the onboarding:

  sudo meshctl external-workload onboard [OPTIONS] --install --istio --gloo


        --admin-bootstrap-port uint16        Mesh admin API port to fetch the bootstrap config (default 31339)
      --admin-cacert-port uint16           Mesh admin API port to fetch the trust bundle (default 31338)
      --agent-flags string                 Additional flags to pass as-is to Istio's pilot agent
      --attestor string                    One of: aws, azure, gcp, token
      --aws-metadata-endpoint string       AWS endpoint to retrieve instance metadata (default "")
      --az-resource-id string              Azure resource ID (or audience) to request for the MSI token
  -t, --bootstrap-timeout duration         Timeout for the agent to bootstrap. If unspecified, timeout is disabled.
      --cluster string                     Kubernetes cluster the external workload will connect to
      --custom-dns                         Use custom DNS (external, hosts file, etc.) to resolve the hostnames for Istiod, SPIRE, and OTel services
      --dual-stack                         Enable IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack networking
      --exclude-inbound-ports strings      List of inbound ports to exclude from traffic interception.
      --exclude-interfaces strings         List of network interfaces to exclude from traffic interception.
      --exclude-outbound-cidr strings      List of outbound CIDR ranges to exclude from traffic interception.
      --exclude-outbound-ports strings     List of outbound ports to exclude from traffic interception.
  -e, --ext-workload string                Namespace and name of the ExternalWorkload resource, in the form <namespace>/<name>. The namespace must correspond to the workload cluster namespace in the 'connectedClusters' field of the ExternalWorkload resource, not the namespace that the ExternalWorkload resource is applied in.
      --external-ip string                 External IP address of the external workload. If set, traffic to the workload will be directed to this address.
      --gateway string                     Namespace and name of the Kubernetes gateway service used to connect to the cluster, in the form <namespace>/<name>
      --gateway-addr string                IP address of the gateway used to connect to the Kubernetes cluster
      --gcp-id-token-host string           GCP where an identity token can be retrieved from (default "")
      --gcp-service-account string         GCP service account to fetch an identity token from (default "default")
  -g, --gloo string                        URL or file path of Gloo agent package
  -h, --help                               help for onboard
  -w, --identity-socket-path string        Path of the unix domain socket used to obtain workload identity credentials (default "unix:///var/run/secrets/workload-spiffe-uds/socket")
      --install                            Install the agent packages as a part of the onboarding
      --intercept-inbound-ports strings    List of inbound ports to include for traffic interception. Defaults to all ports. (default [*])
      --intercept-outbound-cidr strings    List of outbound CIDR ranges to include for traffic interception. Defaults to all CIDR ranges. (default [*])
      --intercept-outbound-ports strings   List of outbound ports to include for traffic interception. Defaults to all ports.
  -i, --istio string                       URL or file path of Istio agent package
      --istio-ns string                    Istio control plane namespace (default "istio-system")
      --istio-rev string                   Istio control plane revision
      --istio-service-port uint16          Istio service port to connect to (default 15012)
      --join-token string                  One-time join token to use to attest the workload when using the token attestor.
      --network string                     Istio network that the external workload belongs to. Required when the workload connects to a cluster in a different network.
      --otel-env stringToString            Environment variables to pass to the OTel agent (default [])
      --otel-log-level string              Log level for the OTel agent (default "INFO")
      --otel-service string                Hostname or IP address of the OpenTelemetry collector service to connect to (default "gloo-metrics-gateway.gloo-mesh")
      --otel-service-port uint16           OpenTelemetry collector service port to connect to (default 4317)
      --spire-env stringToString           Environment variables to pass to the SPIRE agent (default [])
      --spire-log-level string             Log level for the SPIRE agent (default "INFO")
      --spire-service string               Hostname or IP address of the SPIRE service to connect to (default "gloo-spire-server.gloo-mesh.svc")
      --spire-service-port uint16          SPIRE service port to connect to (default 8081)
      --trust-bundle string                Trust bundle file path
      --trust-domain string                Trust domain of the cluster the workload will connect to. (default "cluster.local")

Options inherited from parent commands

        --kubeconfig string    Path to the kubeconfig file for the cluster.
      --kubecontext string   Kubernetes context for the cluster to run the command in.
  -n, --namespace string     Namespace to run the command in. (default "gloo-mesh")
      --plain                Disable styling for terminal output.
  -v, --verbose              Enable verbose logging.