Gloo provides management tools on top of the open source Istio service mesh. If Istio is in a troubled state, you might notice errors in your Gloo environment. For help using the Istio diagnostic tools, see the Istio documentation.

  1. Check that your Gloo resources are translated into Istio resources in your app namespace. If you do not see any Istio resources, try debugging your Gloo components. For example, your Gloo resources might not belong to a Gloo workspace. After you add the namespace to a workspace, Gloo translates the resources into Istio.

  2. Check the health of the Istio pods and services in each cluster.

      kubectl get pods,svc -A --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT} | grep istio
  3. Get the logs for the istiod control plane for the cluster where you notice service mesh issues. You can optionally save the output to a local file so that you can read and analyze it more easily.

      kubectl logs --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT} -n istio-system deploy/istiod | > istiod-logs.txt
  4. If the issue is with a sidecar-enabled workload, try debugging the Envoy proxy container. The configuration file for the sidecar in each of your Istio pods can be hundreds of lines long. Follow along with the Solo blog, Navigating Istio Config: A look into Istio’s toolkit, to learn how to use istioctl to focus on the most common configuration areas.

  5. If you use Grafana to monitor Istio performance, check out the Grafana performance monitoring dashboard in the Solo Communities of Practice (COP) repository.

  6. Review ways from the community to debug your service mesh: