Proto: jwt_policy.proto


Control access or route traffic based on verified claims in a JSON web token (JWT). JWTs follow an open standard for securely sharing information between a client and your apps. JWTs are commonly used to support stateless, simple, scalable, and interoperable authentication and authorization flows. For more information, see the RFC 7519 JWT specification.

JWT policies are applied at the route level. You can have multiple JWT providers in the same policy, or in different policies. Keep in mind that you cannot apply multiple JWT policies to the same route in a route table.


The following example is a basic JWT policy with a local JWT issuer and inline public key. For more examples of using Gloo JWT policies, see the [JWT guides](( /gloo-mesh-enterprise/2.4.x//security/jwt/).

Sample JWT payload from the JWT provider:

  "org": "solo-io",
  "email": "",
  "iss": "https://localhost",
  "exp": 4804324736,
  "iat": 1648651136

The following policy enables JWT authentication for the selected httpbin route. It adds the values of the org and email claims from the JWT payload to the X-Org and X-Email headers in the request, if present. It also checks requests by using the token found in the X-Auth header with the prefix Bearer <token>, or in a query parameter auth_token=<token>. Note that if a request has both the header and query parameter, both tokens must be valid for Gloo Gateway to accept the request.

kind: JWTPolicy
  annotations: ""
  name: jwt-policy
  namespace: default
  - route:
        route: httpbin
      preAuthz: {}
        - append: true
          claim: org
          header: x-org
        - append: true
          claim: email
          header: x-email
        issuer: https://localhost
          inline: |-
            -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
            -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
          - name: X-Auth
            prefix: 'Bearer '
          - auth_token


The report shows the resources that the policy selects after the policy is successfully applied.

workspaces(repeated JWTPolicyReport.WorkspacesEntry)

The status of the resource in each workspace that it exists in.

A list of references to all routes selected by the policy.

A list of destination ports selected by the policy.





Fill out the spec of the JWT policy to enable JWT authentication. You can apply JWT policies to routes and destinations.

Multiple policies: If multiple JWT policies select the same route or destination, only the oldest policy applies.

Multiple selectors: You can select routes and destinations together in the same policy. Using both selectors might impact the other. For example, you might omit a route selector. If you also omit a destination selector, then the policy applies to all routes. If you use a destination selector, the policy applies only to those destinations and no longer to any routes.

If different JWT policies having conflicting rules for the same routes and destinations, then access is blocked.


Select the routes where the policy will be applied. If empty ({}), the policy applies to all routes in the workspace. If omitted and the policy also does not select any destinations, the policy applies to all routes in the workspace. If omitted and the policy selects a destination, the policy does not apply to any routes.

Select the destinations where the policy will be applied. Only Kubernetes services are supported. By default if omitted, the policy does not apply to any destinations. If empty ({}), the policy applies to all destinations in the workspace.

The details of the JWT policy to apply to the selected routes.


Configure the details of the JWT policy, including the provider, phase, matching claims or scopes, and other settings.

providers(repeated JWTPolicySpec.Config.ProvidersEntry)

Set up the provider for the JWT configuration. You can have multiple providers in the same JWT policy, or create separate policies per provider.
Successfully verified JWT payloads will be written to Envoy Dynamic Metadata in the format {{ policy generated prefix }}.{{ provider }}. For more info, see the payload_in_metadata field here.
Note: You can name the providers to help you map the provider when viewing logs to debug. However, the provider name does not affect the policy’s behavior and cannot be used by other resources to select the policy.

Optional: Set when to apply the JWT filter in the request chain, either before (preAuthz) or after (postAuthz) authorization to have access to the JWT token. If no phase is specified, defaults to preAuthz.

Allow requests to succeed even if JWT authentication is missing or fails. For example, you might apply multiple policies to your routes to require JWT auth OR another method such as external auth. Set this value to “true” to allow a failed JWT auth request to pass through to the other authentication method. By default, this value is “false” so that requests that fail JWT authentication then fail authorization immediately.

Optional: Decide whether to clear the route cache after the JWT filter. By clearing the route cache, the gateway recomputes route matching. This way, you can configure traffic rules after JWT auth, such as claim-based routing on cleared routes or direct response on cached routes. Defaults to the ‘AUTO’ option.
claims(repeated JWTPolicySpec.Config.ClaimMatcher)

Optional: A key-value list of claims to require for JWT authorization. The JWT must meet all of the claims to be allowed (logically AND’d together). For each claim, you can specify values that must or must not be present.
requiredScopes(repeated string)

Optional: An unordered list of required JWT scopes. The JWT “scope” claim must have all of the listed scopes to be allowed (logically AND’d together). Scopes typically come from an identity provider and are formatted similar to "<product>:<permission>" or "is:<role>". For more information, see the IETF docs.
For example, you might use this field to set email and is:developer as required scopes. Then the scope claim in the JWT must have all of those required scopes, but could also have others. JWTs with scopes such as "scope":"email is:developer" or "scope":"email is:developer phone address" would be allowed. JWTs with only one of the required scopes, such as "scope":"email address" would not be allowed.
If you want to set scopes that if present in the claim are not allowed (notValues), or to allow a request to succeed with just one of many listed scopes (email OR is:developer), use the claims field instead. To skip scope validation, omit this value or leave the list empty. Note that nested scopes (a scope with multiple sub scopes) are not supported at this time.


Optionally configure a list of key-value claims for JWT authorization rules. The JWT must meet all of the claims to be allowed (logically AND’d together). For each claim, you can specify values that must or must not be present. If a claim has multiple supported values, any of these values is allowed (logically OR’d together). You can also use wildcards, such as "*" to allow any value, or for example "*" to allow any email. Nested claims are not supported at this time.


The name of the JWT claim’s key. RFC 7519 spec reserves seven claims, and the IANA JSON Web Token Claims outline many more registered claims to encourage interoperability across providers. Further, your OIDC provider might have custom claims, such as described in the Auth0 docs.
values(repeated string)

Optional: A list of allowed values for the JWT claim. If a claim has multiple supported values, any of these values is allowed (logically OR’d together). You can also use wildcards, such as "*" to allow any value or for example "*" to allow any email. Nested claims are not supported at this time. Note: You must set at least one of “values” or “not_values”.
notValues(repeated string)

Optional: A list of values that are not allowed for the JWT claim. If a claim contains one of these values, the request is denied. You can also use wildcards, such as "*" to deny any value, or for example "*" to deny any email. Note: You must set at least one of “values” or “not_values”.


Configure how to verify the details of a JWT, such as the issuer, source, audience, matching claims or scopes, and other settings.


Optional: The principal that issued the JWT, usually a URL or an email address. If specified, the iss field in JWT token of the incoming request must match this field, or else the request is denied. If omitted, the iss field in the JWT token is not checked.
audiences(repeated string)

Optional: A list of intended audiences for this JWT token. If specified, a JWT token containing any of these aud field values is accepted. If omitted, the aud field in the JWT token is not checked.

Optional: Where to extract the JWT from the HTTP request. If no explicit token source location is specified, the following default locations are tried in order:
First, the Authorization header using the Bearer prefix, such as: Authorization: Bearer <token>.
Second, the access_token query parameter, such as: https://<url>/path?access_token=<token>.
Gloo can verify multiple JWTs for a request. Each JWT is extracted from the location that is specified per provider, or from the default locations previously described. Note that if a single request contains multiple sources, such as both a header and query parameter, then all tokens found in the request must be valid for the request to be accepted. Configured fields are case sensitive and are matched verbatim.

Get the public keys to validate the JWT from a local source, such as a Kubernetes secret or an inline, raw string JWKS.

Get the public keys from a remote JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) server. This server must be accessible from your cluster.
claimsToHeaders(repeated JWTPolicySpec.Config.Provider.ClaimsToHeader)

Optional: Specify the claims from the JWT payload to copy to individual headers before forwarding the request to the upstream destination. To copy the entire payload to a single header instead, use the OutputPayloadToHeader field.

Optional: Keep the JWT in the request post verification.

Optional: Verify time constraints, such as exp and npf. Default is 60s. For information about the value format, see the Google protocol buffer documentation.

Optional: Copy the output of the JWT payload to a single header before forwarding the request to the upstream destination. The header is the name that you enter in this field. The payload data is base64-encoded before forwarding. If this field is omitted or empty, the payload is not forwarded with the request. To send select claims in the payload in individual headers, use the ClaimsToHeaders field instead.


Specify the claims from the JWT payload to copy to individual headers before forwarding the request to the upstream destination.


Claim name, such as "sub".

The request header to copy the claim to, such as "x-sub".

If the header already exists, append this copied value to it (true), or overwrite the existing value (false).


Get the public keys to validate the JWT from a local source, such as a Kubernetes secret or inline configuration.


Refer to a secret that has the PEM-formatted public key.

Provide an inline PEM-formatted public key in the configuration of this JWT policy.



Refer to the secret explicitly by the cluster and namespace where the secret is located.

Refer to the key of data that has the PEM-formatted public key within the specified secret.


Get the public keys from a remote JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) server. This server must be accessible from your cluster.


The URL to access the remote destination for JWKS server. This value sets the host and path in the request.

The destination that represents the JWKS server. If the JWKS server runs in your cluster, the destination can be a Kubernetes Service or Gloo VirtualDestination. If the JWKS server is a remote URL, the destination must be a Gloo ExternalService.

Duration after which the cached JWKS expires.
If omitted, defaults to 5 minutes. For information about the value format, see the Google protocol buffer documentation.

Set the maximum duration in seconds that a response can take to arrive upon request.
If omitted, defaults to 5 seconds. For information about the value format, see the Google protocol buffer documentation.

Fetch the JWKS asynchronously in the main thread before activating the listener. Then, the fetched JWKS can be used by all worker threads.
When set to false (default): The JWKS is fetched on-demand when requests come. The first few requests are paused until the JWKS is fetched. Because the JWKS cache is per worker thread, each worker thread fetches its own JWKS. You might leave async fetching disabled in simple environments with minimal traffic or resources, during testing to simplify debugging issues, or when you want more control over when and how the JWKS is fetched.
When set to true: The JWKS is fetched in the main thread before activating the listener. Then, the JWKS can be used by all worker threads. Each worker thread doesn’t need to fetch its own. This way, the JWKS is ready when requests come. You might enable async fetching to reduce latency, improve responsiveness, and have consistent JWKS across worker threads such as in multi-threaded, concurrent, and large-scale environments.


Optional: Where to extract the JWT from the HTTP request.

If omitted, defaults to the header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" or the query parameter "access_token=<Token>". Note that if a request has both the header and query parameter, both tokens must be valid for Gloo Gateway to accept the request. Configured fields are case sensitive and are matched verbatim.

headers(repeated JWTPolicySpec.Config.Provider.TokenSource.fromHeader)

Try to retrieve the token from these headers.
queryParams(repeated string)

Try to retrieve the token from these query parameters.


Describes how to retrieve the JWT from a header.


The name of header, such as "Authorization".

The prefix before the token, such as "Bearer " (with a space before the token).





The status of the policy after it is applied to your Gloo environment.Status


The state and workspace conditions of the applied resource.

The number of routes selected by the policy.

The number of destination ports selected by the policy.


Decide whether to clear the route cache after the JWT filter.

AUTO0The default behavior, which clears the route cache when the auth response is successful or if the JWT policy adds a claim in the ‘claimsToHeader’ field. This way, the gateway recomputes route matching, such as to route traffic based on the claims you add in the JWT policy.
FALSE1Set to false so that the route cache is not cleared after the JWT filter. This way, you can configure traffic rules based on routing details from both before and after the JWT filter. For example, you might want to reject with a direct response any requests that send a header that is also set in the JWT policy’s ‘claimsToHeader’ field.
TRUE2Set to true so that the route cache is always cleared after the JWT filter. This way, the gateway recomputes route matching, such as to route traffic based on the claims you add in the JWT policy.