You can easily set up intelligent routing for active-active and active-passive workloads in one service mesh or across service meshes by using virtual destinations.

  • Single-cluster routing: Although services can directly communicate with each other within a service mesh, virtual destinations allow you to apply routing rules for service-to-service communication to each destination in your servce mesh. For example, by creating a virtual destination for a service, you can apply rules to it that designate routing to different versions of the service by use of weighted subsets.
  • Multicluster routing: With virtual destinations, you can define unique internal hostnames for apps that are spread across multiple clusters, and enable service discovery for these apps within the mesh by adding the hostnames to the service mesh registry.
Figure: Multicluster routing with Gloo Mesh
Figure: Multicluster routing with Gloo Mesh

For more information, see the following resources:

Before you begin

  1. Complete the multicluster getting started guide to set up the following testing environment.

    • Three clusters along with environment variables for the clusters and their Kubernetes contexts.
    • The Gloo meshctl CLI, along with other CLI tools such as kubectl and istioctl.
    • The Gloo management server in the management cluster, and the Gloo agents in the workload clusters.
    • Istio installed in the workload clusters.
    • A simple Gloo workspace setup.
  2. Install Bookinfo and other sample apps.
  3. In the workspace settings for each workspace that your services are in, ensure that you configure the following:

    • Enable federation so that services in different clusters can communicate with each other.
    • If you enable service isolation, services cannot communicate with services outside the mesh or in another workspace by default. If you want to set up multicluster routing across multiple workspaces, be sure to export the required resources from one workspace to the other workspaces that must access them. For example, if your ingress gateway is in a different workspace than your apps, be sure to export the app workspace resources to the gateway workspace.
  4. Create a Gloo root trust policy to ensure that services in one cluster securely communicate with the services in other clusters. The root trust policy sets up the domain and certificates to establish a shared trust model across multiple clusters in your service mesh.

      kubectl apply --context=$MGMT_CONTEXT -f - <<EOF
    kind: RootTrustPolicy
      name: root-trust
      namespace: gloo-mesh
          generated: {}
  5. Follow the other guides in this routing section to plan your routing table setup. For example, you might check out the path matching guide to decide how to match the incoming requests to your service paths, the redirect guide to set up any path or host rewrites, or the sub-table delegation guide to nest and sort multiple route tables. Note: Be sure that each route for one host is unique, such as by using prefix matching to determine which requests to the host should be forwarded to which destinations.
  6. Decide what type of route you want to create. For more information, see Supported route types features.

Set up HTTP routing for east-west traffic

To route in-mesh requests from one app to another app that is deployed to one cluster or that is deployed across clusters, you create a virtual destination for your destination app. Then, you create a route table that forwards east-west traffic from the initiator app to that virtual destination along an HTTP route.

  1. Create a virtual destination resource for your destination app that receives requests from the initiator app. This virtual destination is configured to listen for incoming traffic on the internal-only, arbitrary hostname Incoming requests can then be routed to any service instances with the label app: destination-app on port 9080. Note that because virtual destinations are dynamic, the east-west gateway that handles the request routes it to the closest healthy app instance.

      kubectl apply --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1 -n global -f- <<EOF
    kind: VirtualDestination
      name: destination-app-vd
      namespace: global
      # Arbitrary, internal-only hostname assigned to the endpoint
      - number: 8080
        protocol: HTTP
          number: 9080
        - labels:
            app: destination-app
  2. Route requests initiated from your initiator app to your destination app by using the virtual destination hostname. The routing method depends on whether your team can change the address that the initiator app sends requests to.

  3. Test the route from the initiator app to your destination app. For example, log in to your initiator app and run nslookup to verify that the destination app is reachable through the virtual destination hostname. Or, if you can access your initiator app externally, you can curl the ingress gateway address and the path for your initiator app, and verify that information from the destination app is being successfully returned.

Good job! You set up east-west routing within your cluster along HTTP routes by using Gloo virtual destinations and route tables. When you use a virtual destination, any request to the virtual destination is load balanced across healthy app instance without leaving the service mesh. You can apply policies to further control which app instance returns a response. For more examples, check out the common Next steps.

Set up TCP routing for east-west traffic

To route in-mesh requests from one app to another app in your cluster along a TCP route, you can use a route table.

  1. Optional: Before you begin, verify that a TCP connection between your apps does not exist.

    1. Log into the product page app.
        kubectl -n bookinfo exec -it deploy/productpage-v1 -c netcat --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1 -- sh
    2. Use the netcat command to test the connection to the TCP route on port 9000.
        nc -v httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local 9000
    3. In the response, check that the connection request is refused.
        nc: connect to httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local port 9000 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
    4. To log out of the pod, enter exit.
  2. Create a route table to route requests from the initiator app to your destination app by using the virtual destination hostname. The following route table listens for requests from any app with the label app: productpage on the httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local host. Then, it forwards the request to the helloworld destination that you created in the setup steps.

      kubectl --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1} apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: RouteTable
      annotations: ""
      name: bookinfo
      namespace: bookinfo
      - httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local
      - forwardTo:
          - port:
              number: 9000
              cluster: cluster-1
              name: helloworld
              namespace: helloworld
        - port: 9000
      - selector:
            app: productpage
  3. Test the TCP route from the initiator app to your destination app.

    1. Log into the product page app.
        kubectl -n bookinfo exec -it deploy/productpage-v1 -c netcat --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1 -- sh
    2. Use the netcat command to test the connection to the TCP route on port 9000.
        echo "Hello" | nc -v httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local 9000
    3. In the response, check that the connection request succeeds and you get a message from either hello-v1 or hello-v2 in cluster 1.
        Connection to httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local 9000 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
      hello-v2 Hello
    4. To log out of the pod, close the connection by entering control+c and then enter exit.
  4. Optional: Clean up the resources that you created.

      kubectl delete -n bookinfo rt bookinfo --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1

Good job! You set up east-west routing within your cluster along TCP routes by using Gloo virtual destinations and route tables. When you use a virtual destination, any request to the virtual destination is load balanced across healthy app instances without leaving the service mesh. You can apply policies to further control which app instance returns a response. For more examples, check out the common Next steps.

Set up HTTP and TCP routing in the same route table

You can configure HTTP and TCP routes in the same Gloo route table custom resource. This way, you can direct traffic on the same host to different apps, depending on the type of route you want to use.

  1. Route requests initiated from your initiator app to your destination app by using the virtual destination hostname. The following route table listens for requests from any app with the label app: productpage on the httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local host. Then, it forwards the request to different destinations depending on the request type.
    • HTTP requests on port 8000 are forwarded to the httpbin app that you created in the before you begin setup.
    • TCP requests on port 9000 are forwarded to the hello world app that you created in the before you begin setup.
      kubectl --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1} apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: RouteTable
      annotations: ""
      name: bookinfo
      namespace: bookinfo
      - httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local
      - forwardTo:
          - port:
              number: 8000
              cluster: cluster-1
              name: httpbin
              namespace: httpbin
        - port: 8000
      - forwardTo:
          - port:
              number: 9000
              cluster: cluster-1
              name: helloworld
              namespace: helloworld
        - port: 9000
      - selector:
            app: productpage
  2. Test the TCP route from the initiator app to your destination app.
    1. Log into the product page app’s netcat container.
        kubectl -n bookinfo exec -it deploy/productpage-v1 -c netcat --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1 -- sh
    2. Use the netcat command to test the connection to the hello world app along the TCP route on port 9000.
        echo "Hello" | nc -v httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local 9000
    3. In the response, check that the connection request succeeds and you get a message from either hello-v1 or hello-v2 in cluster 1.
        Connection to httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local 9000 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
      hello-v1 Hello
    4. To log out of the pod, close the connection by entering control+c and then enter exit.
  3. Test the HTTP route from the initiator app to your destination app.
    1. Log into the product page app’s curl container.
        kubectl -n bookinfo exec -it deploy/productpage-v1 -c curl --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1 -- sh
    2. Use the curl command to test the connection to the httpbin app along the HTTP route on port 8000.
        curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local:8000
      Example output:
    3. To log out of the pod, enter exit.
  4. Optional: Clean up the resources that you created.
      kubectl delete -n bookinfo rt bookinfo --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1

Good job! You set up east-west routing within your cluster along HTTP and TCP routes by using Gloo route tables. You can apply policies to further control which app instance returns a response. For more examples, check out the common Next steps.

Next steps

Now that you have a basic route set up, you can explore more advanced networking scenarios.

  • Other routing actions: For HTTP routes, you can set up other actions besides forwarding requests. For example, you might check out the prefix matching guide to decide how to match the incoming requests to your service paths, the redirect guide to set up any path or prefix rewrites, or the sub-table delegation guide to nest and sort multiple route tables.
  • Additional route settings: Configure additional route settings, such as weighted routing to version subsets or adding and removing headers.
  • Policies: For more control over traffic behavior, apply traffic management, security, or resiliency policies to your service or route, such as for outlier detection, failover, fault injection, or keep alive connections.