Deployment model

A production Gloo Mesh Enterprise setup consists of one management cluster that the Gloo management components are installed in, and one or more workload clusters that run services meshes which are registered with and managed by Gloo Mesh Enterprise. The management cluster serves as the management plane, and the workload clusters serve as the data plane, as depicted in the following diagram.

By default, the management server is deployed with one replica. To increase availability, you can increase the number of replicas that you deploy in the management cluster.

In a production deployment, you typically want to avoid installing the management plane into a workload cluster that also runs a services mesh. Although Gloo Mesh Enterprise remains fully functional when the management and agent components both run within the same cluster, you might have noisy neighbor concerns in which workload pods consume cluster resources and potentially constrain the management processes. This constraint on management processes can in turn affect other workload clusters that the management components oversee. However, you can prevent resource consumption issues by using Kubernetes best practices, such as node affinity, resource requests, and resource limits. Note that you must also ensure that you use the same name for the cluster during both the management plane installation and cluster registration.

Figure of a multicluster Gloo quick-start architecture, with a dedicated management cluster.

Management plane settings

Before you install the Gloo management plane into your management cluster, review the following options to help secure your installation. Each section details the benefits of the security option, and the necessary settings to specify in a Helm values file to use during your Helm installation.

Certificate management

When you install Gloo Mesh Enterprise by using meshctl or the instructions that are provided in the getting started guide, Gloo Mesh Enterprise generates a self-signed root CA certificate and key that is used to generate the server TLS certificate for the Gloo management server. In addition, an intermediate CA certificate and key are generated that are used to sign client TLS certificates for every Gloo agent. For more information about the default setup, see Self-signed CAs with automatic client certificate rotation.

Using self-signed certificates and keys for the root CA and storing them on the management cluster is not a recommended security practice. The root CA certificate and key is very sensitive information, and, if compromised, can be used to issue certificates for all agents in a workload cluster. In a production-level setup you want to make sure that the root CA credentials are properly stored with your preferred PKI provider, such as AWS Private CA, Google Cloud CA, or Vault and that you use a certificate management tool, such as cert-manager to automate the issuing and renewing of certificates.

Use the following links to learn about your setup options in production:

Overrides for default components

In some cases, you might need to modify the default deployment or service for the Gloo Mesh Enterprise components, such as the management server or agent. To do so, you can configure the deploymentOverrides and serviceOverrides settings for each component in your Helm values file. Then, you can upgrade your Gloo Mesh Enterprise installation to apply these new settings. Keep in mind that the component might be restarted in order to apply the new settings.

For settings that are key-value dictionaries, the overrides replace any existing keys in the default template. If the overrides do not match any existing keys, then the override values are added to the existing values, such as the following example.

For settings that are lists, the overrides replace any existing lists in the default template, such as the following example.

Example service override

Most commonly, the serviceOverrides section specifies cloud provider-specific annotations that might be required for your environment. For example, the following section applies the recommended Amazon Web Services (AWS) annotations for modifying the created load balancer service.

        # AWS-specific annotations "2" "2" "10" "9900" "tcp" external internal ip TCP, subnet-0478784f04c486de5, subnet-09d0cf74c0117fcf3 deregistration_delay.connection_termination.enabled=true,deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds=1
  # Kubernetes load balancer service type
  serviceType: LoadBalancer

You can apply service overrides to the following components:

  • glooAgent
  • glooAnalyzer
  • glooInsightsEngine
  • glooMgmtServer
  • glooPortalServer
  • glooSpireServer
  • glooUi
  • redis
  • redisStore for the management plane (insights and snapshot) and data plane (external auth service and rate limiter)

Example deployment overrides

For some components, you might want to modify the default deployment settings, such as the metadata or resource limits for CPU and memory. Or, you might want to provide your own resource such as a config map, service account, or volume that you mount to the deployment. This example shows how you might use the deploymentOverrides to specify a config map for a volume.

            - name: envoy-config
                name: my-custom-envoy-config

You can apply deployment overrides to the following components:

  • glooAgent
  • glooAnalyzer
  • glooInsightsEngine
  • glooMgmtServer
  • glooPortalServer
  • glooSpireServer
  • glooUi
  • redis
  • redisStore for the management plane (insights and snapshot) and data plane (external auth service and rate limiter)

FIPS-compliant image

If your environment runs workloads that require federal information processing compliance, you can use images of Gloo Mesh Enterprise components that are specially built to comply with NIST FIPS. Open the values.yaml file, search for the image section, and append -fips to the tag, such as in the following example.
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    repository: gloo-mesh-mgmt-server
    tag: 2.3.23-fips


During installation, you can provide your license key strings directly in license fields such as glooMeshLicenseKey. For a more secure setup, you might want to provide those license keys in a secret named license-secret instead. For more information, see Provide your license key during installation.

Prometheus metrics

By default, a Prometheus instance is deployed with the management plane Helm chart to collect metrics for the Gloo management server. For a production deployment, you can either replace the built-in Prometheus server with your own instance, or remove high cardinality labels. For more information on each option, see Customization options.

Redis instance

By default, a Redis instance is deployed for certain management plane components, such as the Gloo management server and Gloo UI. For a production deployment, you can disable the default Redis deployment and provide your own backing instance instead.

For more information, see Backing databases.

Break up large Envoy filters

Some Gloo policies, such as JWT or other external auth policies are translated into Envoy filters during the Gloo translation process. These Envoy filters are stored in the Kubernetes data store etcd alongside other Gloo configurations and applied to the ingress gateway or sidecar proxy to enforce the policies. In environments where you apply policies to a lot of apps and routes, the size of the Envoy filter can become very large and exceed the maximum file size limit in etcd. When the maximum file size limit is reached, new configuration is rejected in etcd and Istio, which leads to policies not being applied and enforced properly.

To prevent this issue in your environment, it is recommended to set the new EXPERIMENTAL_SEGMENT_ENVOY_FILTERS_BY_MATCHER environment variable on the Gloo management server to instruct the server to break up large Envoy filters into multiple smaller Envoy filters. In your Helm values file for the Gloo management server, add the following snippet:

      value: "true"

UI authentication

The Gloo UI supports OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication from common providers such as Google, Okta, and Auth0. Users that access the UI will be required to authenticate with the OIDC provider, and all requests to retrieve data from the API will be authenticated.

You can configure OIDC authentication for the UI by providing your OIDC provider details in the glooUi section, such as the following.

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
    backend: oidc
      appUrl: # The URL that the UI for the OIDC app is available at, from the DNS and other ingress settings that expose the OIDC app UI service.
      clientId: # From the OIDC provider
      clientSecret: # From the OIDC provider. Stored in a secret.
      clientSecretName: dashboard
      issuerUrl: # The issuer URL from the OIDC provider, usually something like 'https://<domain>.<provider_url>/'.

Data plane settings

Before you register workload clusters with Gloo Mesh Enterprise, review the following options to help secure your registration. Each section details the benefits of the security option, and the necessary settings to specify in a Helm values file to use during your Helm registration.

FIPS-compliant image

If your environment runs workloads that require federal information processing compliance, you can use images of Gloo Mesh Enterprise components that are specially built to comply with NIST FIPS. Open the values.yaml file, search for the image section, and append -fips to the tag, such as in the following example.

    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    repository: gloo-mesh-agent
    tag: 2.3.23-fips

Certificate management

If you use the default self-signed certificates during Gloo Mesh Enterprise installation, you can follow the steps in the cluster registration documentation to use these certificates during cluster registration. If you set up Gloo Mesh Enterprise without secure communication for quick demonstrations, include the --set insecure=true flag during registration. Note that using the default self-signed certificate authorities (CAs) or using insecure mode are not suitable for production environments.

In production environments, you use the same custom certificates that you set up for Gloo Mesh Enterprise installation during cluster registration:

  1. Ensure that when you installed Gloo Mesh Enterprise, you set up the relay certificates, such as with AWS Certificate Manager, HashiCorp Vault, or your own custom certs, including the relay forwarding and identity secrets in the management and workload clusters.

  2. The relay certificate instructions include steps to modify your Helm values file to use the custom CAs, such as in the following relay section. Note that you might need to update the clientTlsSecret name and rootTlsSecret name values, depending on your certificate setup.

      insecure: false
      insecure: false
        authority: gloo-mesh-mgmt-server.gloo-mesh
          name: gloo-mesh-agent-$REMOTE_CLUSTER-tls-cert
          namespace: gloo-mesh
          name: relay-root-tls-secret
          namespace: gloo-mesh

Kubernetes RBAC

To review the permissions of deployed Gloo components such as the management server and agent, see Gloo component permissions.