Installation options
Learn about your options for installing Gloo Mesh Enterprise in your environment.
Choose whether you want to deploy Gloo Mesh Enterprise in one cluster, or across multiple clusters.
Single cluster
Gloo Mesh Enterprise is fully functional when the management plane (management server) and data plane (agent and service mesh) both run within the same cluster. You can easily install both the control and data plane components by using one installation process. If you choose to install the components in separate processes, ensure that you use the same name for the cluster during both processes.
A multicluster Gloo Mesh Enterprise setup consists of one management cluster that you install the Gloo management plane (management server) in, and one or more workload clusters that serve as the data plane (agent and service mesh). By running the management plane in a dedicated management cluster, you can ensure that no workload pods consume cluster resources that might impede management processes. Many guides throughout the documentation use one management cluster and two workload clusters as an example setup.
Installation methods
After you decide on a single or multicluster environment, choose whether to use the meshctl
CLI or Helm charts to install Gloo Mesh Enterprise.
CLI install profiles
Gloo packages profiles in the meshctl
CLI for quick Gloo Mesh Enterprise installations. Profiles provide basic Helm settings for a minimum installation, and are suitable for testing setups. Because the profiles provide standard setups, they can also be useful starting points for building a customized and robust set of Helm installation values.
In your meshctl install
and meshctl cluster register
commands, you can specify one or more profiles in the --profile
flag. Multiple profiles can be applied in a comma-delimited list, in which merge priority is left to right. Note that any values you specify in --set
or --gloo-mesh-agent-chart-values
flags have highest merge priority.
The following profiles are supported. You can review the Helm settings in a profile by running curl<profile>.yaml > profile-values.yaml
Profile | Use case | Deployed components |
agent | Register a workload cluster in a multicluster setup. Default profile for meshctl cluster register . | Gloo agent, Gloo OpenTelemetry (OTel) collector agents |
extauth | Use external authentication in a single-cluster setup or in a workload cluster in a multicluster setup. Often used additively with other profiles. | Gloo external auth server |
gloo-gateway-demo | Set up a Gloo Mesh Gateway demo environment in a single-cluster setup. | Gloo management server, Gloo agent, Gloo external auth server, Gloo rate limiting server, Gloo UI, Prometheus, Redis, Gloo OTel telemetry gateway and collector agents, managed gateway proxy |
gloo-gateway-single | Set up all Gloo Mesh Gateway components in a single-cluster setup. | Gloo management server, Gloo agent, Gloo UI, Prometheus, Redis, Gloo OTel telemetry gateway and collector agents, managed gateway proxy |
gloo-mesh-single | Set up all Gloo Mesh components in a single-cluster setup. | Gloo management server, Gloo agent, Gloo UI, Prometheus, Redis, Gloo OTel telemetry gateway and collector agents, managed Istio service mesh |
mgmt-server | Set up a Gloo Platform product in the management cluster in a multicluster setup. Default profile for meshctl install . | Gloo management server, Gloo UI, Prometheus, Redis, Gloo OTel telemetry gateway |
portal | Deploy Gloo Portal in a Gloo Mesh Gateway single-cluster setup or in a workload cluster in a multicluster setup. Uses the local Redis instance as the backing storage. Often used additively with other profiles. | Gloo Portal server, Gloo external auth server, Gloo rate limiting server |
ratelimit | Use rate limiting in a single-cluster setup or in a workload cluster in a multicluster setup. Often used additively with other profiles. | Gloo rate limiting server |
To set up Gloo Mesh Enterprise with these profiles, see the get started guides.
Helm charts
To extensively customize the settings of your Gloo Mesh Enterprise installation, you can use the gloo-platform
and gloo-platform-crds
Helm charts.
Installation Helm chart
All components for a full Gloo Mesh Enterprise installation are available in the gloo-platform
Helm chart.
Helm installations allow for extensive customization of Gloo settings, and are suitable for proof-of-concept or production setups. Within the gloo-platform
chart, you can find the configuration options for all components in the following sections.
Component section | Description |
common | Common values shared across components. When applicable, these can be overridden in specific components. |
demo | Demo-specific features that improve quick setups. Do not use in production. |
experimental | Experimental features for Gloo Mesh Enterprise. Disabled by default. Do not use in production. |
extAuthService | Configuration for the Gloo external authentication service. |
glooAgent | Configuration for the Gloo agent. |
glooAnalyzer | Configuration for the Gloo analyzer, which gathers data on Gloo and Istio components. |
glooInsightsEngine | Configuration for the Gloo insights engine, which creates Solo insights. |
glooMgmtServer | Configuration for the Gloo management server. |
glooNetwork | Gloo Network agent configuration options. |
glooPortalServer | Configuration for the Gloo Portal server deployment. |
glooUi | Configuration for the Gloo UI. |
istioInstallations | Configuration for deploying managed Istio control plane and gateway installations by using the Istio lifecycle manager. |
licensing | Gloo product licenses. |
prometheus | Helm values for configuring Prometheus. See the Prometheus Helm chart for the complete set of values. |
rateLimiter | Configuration for the Gloo rate limiting service. |
redis | Configuration for the default Redis instance. |
telemetryCollector | Configuration for the Gloo telemetry collector agents. See the OpenTelemetry Helm chart for the complete set of values. |
telemetryCollectorCustomization | Optional customization for the Gloo telemetry collector agents. |
telemetryGateway | Configuration for the Gloo telemetry gateway. See the OpenTelemetry Helm chart for the complete set of values. |
telemetryGatewayCustomization | Optional customization for the Gloo telemetry gateway. |
You can see all possible fields that you can set for the chart by running the following command.
helm show values gloo-platform/gloo-platform --version v2.3.23 > all-values.yaml
For more information about each field, see the Helm values documentation. To set up Gloo Mesh Enterprise with Helm, see the advanced installation guide.
CRD Helm chart
All CRDs that are required for a Gloo Mesh Enterprise installation are available in the gloo-platform-crds
Helm chart. To see all CRD installation options, see the Helm values documentation. If you already installed the chart, you can run kubectl get crds -A | grep
to see the installed CRDs.