meshctl vm check

Check istio sidecar for a Virtual Machine onboarded into the mesh

  meshctl vm check [flags]


    -h, --help   help for check

Options inherited from parent commands

        --kubeconfig string        Path to the kubeconfig file for the cluster.
      --kubecontext string       Kubernetes context for the cluster to run the command in.
  -n, --namespace string         Namespace to run the command in. (default "gloo-mesh")
  -o, --output string            Output directory for istio sidecar logs
      --plain                    Disable styling for terminal output.
      --ssh-private-key string   SSH private key file used for logging on the Virtual Machine
  -v, --verbose                  Enable verbose logging.
      --vm-address string        Destination address of the Virtual Machine which can be an IP or a hostname (required)
      --vm-name string           Name of the Virtual Machine to generate logs and resources (optional). Will default to vm address if not provided.
      --vm-password string       Password for Virtual Machine
      --vm-port string           SSH port on the VM (default "22")
      --vm-username string       Username for the Virtual Machine (required for SSH)