By using Gloo-managed service meshes, you no longer need to manually install and manage the istiod control plane. Instead, you provide the Istio configuration in a Gloo custom resource (CR), and Gloo translates this configuration into managed istiod control plane and gateways in each workload cluster for you.

Before you begin

  1. Follow the quickstart or advanced installation guide to install the Gloo Mesh Core components.

  2. Review the following considerations for using the Istio lifecycle manager.

    • Throughout this guide, you use example configuration files that have pre-filled values. You can update some of the values, but unexpected behaviors might occur. For example, if you change the default istio-ingressgateway name, you cannot also use Kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaling. For more information, see the Troubleshooting docs.
    • If your organization restricts elevated Kubernetes RBAC permissions for security reasons, you might need to install the Istio CNI plug-in. The OpenShift steps provide an example. For more information, see the Istio docs.
  3. Review Supported versions to choose the Solo distribution of Istio that you want to use, and save the version information in the following environment variables.

    • REPO: The repo key for the Solo distribution of Istio that you can get by logging in to the Support Center and reviewing the Istio images built by support article.
    • ISTIO_IMAGE: The version that you want to use with the solo tag, such as 1.22.3-patch0-solo. You can optionally append other tags of Solo distributions of Istio as needed.
    • REVISION: Take the Istio major and minor versions and replace the periods with hyphens, such as 1-22.

      export REPO=<repo-key>
    export ISTIO_IMAGE=1.22.3-patch0-solo
    export REVISION=1-22
    1. If you used the lifecycle manager in 2.5 and upgraded Gloo Mesh Core to 2.6, first review the changes to the feature before you make edits to your existing IstioLifecycleManager or GatewayLifecycleManager resources.

    2. If other Istio installations already exist in your clusters, you must first uninstall any existing Istio installations. You currently cannot use the lifecycle manager alongside or to takeover unmanaged Istio installations that you install by using Helm, istioctl, or an IstioOperator.


    Use Gloo Mesh Core to deploy and manage Istio service meshes in each workload cluster.

    istiod control planes

    Prepare an IstioLifecycleManager CR to manage istiod control planes.

    1. Set the names of your clusters from your infrastructure provider. If your clusters have different names, specify those names instead.

        export REMOTE_CLUSTER1=<cluster1>
      export REMOTE_CLUSTER2=<cluster2>
    2. Save the kubeconfig contexts for your clusters. Run kubectl config get-contexts, look for your cluster in the CLUSTER column, and get the context name in the NAME column. Note: Do not use context names with underscores. The generated certificate that connects workload clusters to the management cluster uses the context name as a SAN specification, and underscores in SAN are not FQDN compliant. You can rename a context by running kubectl config rename-context "<oldcontext>" <newcontext>.
        export MGMT_CONTEXT=<management-cluster-context>
      export REMOTE_CONTEXT1=<remote-cluster1-context>
      export REMOTE_CONTEXT2=<remote-cluster2-context>
    3. Download the example file, istiod.yaml, which contains a basic IstioLifecycleManager configuration for the control plane.

        curl -0L > istiod.yaml
    4. Update the example file with the environment variables that you previously set. Save the updated file as istiod-values.yaml.

      • For example, you can run a terminal command to substitute values:
          envsubst < istiod.yaml > istiod-values.yaml
    5. Verify that the configuration is correct. For example, in spec.installations.clusters, verify that entries exist for each workload cluster name. You can also further edit the file to provide your own details. For more information, see the API reference.

        open istiod-values.yaml
    6. Apply the IstioLifecycleManager CR to your management cluster.

        kubectl apply -f istiod-values.yaml --context $MGMT_CONTEXT
    7. In each workload cluster, verify that the Istio pods have a status of Running.

           kubectl get pods -n istio-system --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1
         kubectl get pods -n istio-system --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT2

      Example output:

           NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
         istiod-1-22-b65676555-g2vmr     1/1     Running   0          47s
         NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
         istiod-1-22-7b96cb895-4nzv9     1/1     Running   0          43s

    Optional: Ingress gateways

    Prepare a GatewayLifecycleManager CR to deploy and manage ingress gateways.

    1. Download the example file, ingress-gateway.yaml, which contains a basic GatewayLifecycleManager configuration for an ingress gateway.

        curl -0L > ingress-gateway.yaml
    2. Update the example file with the environment variables that you previously set. Save the updated file as ingress-gateway-values.yaml.

      • For example, you can run a terminal command to substitute values:
          envsubst < ingress-gateway.yaml > ingress-gateway-values.yaml
    3. Verify that the configuration is correct. You can also further edit the file to provide your own settings. For more information, see the API reference.

        open ingress-gateway-values.yaml
      • You can add cloud provider-specific load balancer annotations to the istioOperatorSpec.components.ingressGateways.k8s section, such as the following AWS annotations:
        For testing environments only, you can deploy a revisionless installation by removing the gatewayRevision field.
    4. Apply the GatewayLifecycleManager CR to your management cluster.

        kubectl apply -f ingress-gateway-values.yaml --context $MGMT_CONTEXT
    5. In each workload cluster, verify that the ingress gateway pod is running.

        kubectl get pods -n gloo-mesh-gateways --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1
      kubectl get pods -n gloo-mesh-gateways --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT2

      Example output for one cluster:

        NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      istio-ingressgateway-665d46686f-nhh52   1/1     Running   0          106s
    6. In each workload cluster, verify that the load balancer service has an external address.

        kubectl get svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1
      kubectl get svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT2

      Example output for one cluster:

        NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                                         AGE
      istio-ingressgateway       LoadBalancer    <externalip>  15021:32378/TCP,80:30315/TCP,443:32186/TCP,31400:30313/TCP,15443:31632/TCP      2m2s
    7. Optional for OpenShift: Expose the gateways by using OpenShift routes.

        oc -n gloo-mesh-gateways expose svc istio-ingressgateway --port=http2 --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1
      oc -n gloo-mesh-gateways expose svc istio-ingressgateway --port=http2 --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT2

    Optional: Egress gateways

    Optional: Prepare a GatewayLifecycleManager CR to deploy and manage egress gateways.

    1. Download the example file, egress-gateway.yaml, which contains a basic GatewayLifecycleManager configuration for an egress gateway.

        curl -0L > egress-gateway.yaml
    2. Update the example file with the environment variables that you previously set. Save the updated file as egress-gateway-values.yaml.

      • For example, you can run a terminal command to substitute values:
          envsubst < egress-gateway.yaml > egress-gateway-values.yaml
    3. Verify that the configuration is correct. For example, in spec.installations.clusters, verify that entries exist for each workload cluster name. You can also further edit the file to provide your own settings. For more information, see the API reference.

        open egress-gateway-values.yaml
    4. Apply the GatewayLifecycleManager CR to your management cluster.

        kubectl apply -f egress-gateway-values.yaml --context $MGMT_CONTEXT
    5. In each workload cluster, verify that the egress gateway pods are running.

        kubectl get pods -n gloo-mesh-gateways --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1
      kubectl get pods -n gloo-mesh-gateways --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT2

      Example output for one cluster:

        NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      istio-egressgateway-665d46686f-nhh52    1/1     Running   0          106s
    6. In each workload cluster, verify that the load balancer service has an external address.

        kubectl get svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT1
      kubectl get svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT2

      Example output for one cluster:

        NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                                         AGE
      istio-egressgateway        LoadBalancer    <externalip>  15021:32378/TCP,80:30315/TCP,443:32186/TCP,31400:30313/TCP,15443:31632/TCP      2m2s

    Add services to the mesh

    Now that Istio is up and running, you can create service namespaces for your teams to run app workloads in. For any namespaces that you want to deploy apps to, be sure to follow these steps to include your services in the service mesh.

    1. Label the namespace with the Istio revision so that Istio sidecars deploy to your app pods.

        export REVISION=$(kubectl get pod -L app=istiod -n istio-system --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.labels.istio\.io/rev}')
      kubectl label ns <namespace>$REVISION --overwrite --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT
    2. If you already deployed app pods to the namespace, restart the workloads so that sidecars are injected into the pods. For example, you might roll out a restart to each deployment by using a command similar to the following.

        kubectl rollout restart deployment -n <namespace> <deployment> --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT

    Single cluster

    Use Gloo Mesh Core to install a managed service mesh that runs a hardened Solo distribution of Istio in your cluster.

    istiod control plane

    Prepare an IstioLifecycleManager CR to manage the istiod control plane.

    1. Save the name of your cluster as an environment variable.

        export CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster_name>
    2. Download the example file, istiod.yaml, which contains a basic IstioLifecycleManager configuration for the control plane.

        curl -0L > istiod.yaml
    3. Update the example file with the environment variables that you previously set. Save the updated file as istiod-values.yaml.

      • For example, you can run a terminal command to substitute values:
          envsubst < istiod.yaml > istiod-values.yaml
    4. Verify that the configuration is correct. You can also further edit the file to provide your own details. For more information, see the API reference.

        open istiod-values.yaml
    5. Apply the IstioLifecycleManager CR to your cluster.

        kubectl apply -f istiod-values.yaml
    6. Verify that the istiod pod has a status of Running.

           kubectl get pods -n istio-system

      Example output:

           NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
         istiod-1-22-b65676555-g2vmr     1/1     Running   0          47s

    Optional: Ingress gateway

    Prepare a GatewayLifecycleManager CR to deploy and manage ingress gateways.

    1. Download the example file, ingress-gateway.yaml, which contains a basic GatewayLifecycleManager configuration for an ingress gateway.

        curl -0L > ingress-gateway.yaml
    2. Update the example file with the environment variables that you previously set. Save the updated file as ingress-gateway-values.yaml.

      • For example, you can run a terminal command to substitute values:
          envsubst < ingress-gateway.yaml > ingress-gateway-values.yaml
    3. Verify that the configuration is correct. You can also further edit the file to provide your own settings. For more information, see the API reference.

        open ingress-gateway-values.yaml
      • You can add cloud provider-specific load balancer annotations to the istioOperatorSpec.components.ingressGateways.k8s section, such as the following AWS annotations:
        For testing environments only, you can deploy a revisionless installation by removing the gatewayRevision field.
    4. Apply the GatewayLifecycleManager CR to your cluster.

        kubectl apply -f ingress-gateway-values.yaml
    5. Verify that the ingress gateway pod is running and that the load balancer service has an external address.

        kubectl get pods -n gloo-mesh-gateways
      kubectl get svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways

      Example output:

        NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      istio-ingressgateway-665d46686f-nhh52   1/1     Running   0          106s
        NAME                        TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                                         AGE
      istio-ingressgateway        LoadBalancer    <externalip>  15021:32378/TCP,80:30315/TCP,443:32186/TCP,31400:30313/TCP,15443:31632/TCP      2m2s
    6. Optional for OpenShift: Expose the ingress gateway by using an OpenShift route.

        oc -n gloo-mesh-gateways expose svc istio-ingressgateway --port=http2

    Optional: Egress gateway

    Prepare a GatewayLifecycleManager resource to deploy and manage an egress gateway.

    1. Download the example file, egress-gateway.yaml, which contains a basic GatewayLifecycleManager configuration for an egress gateway.

        curl -0L > egress-gateway.yaml
    2. Update the example file with the environment variables that you previously set. Save the updated file as egress-gateway-values.yaml.

      • For example, you can run a terminal command to substitute values:
          envsubst < egress-gateway.yaml > egress-gateway-values.yaml
    3. Verify that the configuration is correct. You can also further edit the file to replicate the settings in your existing Istio installation. For more information, see the API reference.

        open egress-gateway-values.yaml
    4. Apply the GatewayLifecycleManager resource to your cluster.

        kubectl apply -f egress-gateway-values.yaml
    5. In the gloo-mesh-gateways namespace, verify that the egress gateway pod for the new revision is running and that the load balancer service has an external address.

        kubectl get pods -n gloo-mesh-gateways
      kubectl get svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways

      Example output for one cluster:

        NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      istio-egressgateway-665d46686f-nhh52    1/1     Running   0          106s
        NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                                         AGE
      istio-egressgateway        LoadBalancer    <externalip>  15021:32378/TCP,80:30315/TCP,443:32186/TCP,31400:30313/TCP,15443:31632/TCP      2m2s

    Add services to the mesh

    Now that Istio is up and running, you can create service namespaces for your teams to run app workloads in. For any namespaces that you want to deploy apps to, be sure to follow these steps to include your services in the service mesh.

    1. Label the namespace with the Istio revision so that Istio sidecars deploy to your app pods.

        export REVISION=$(kubectl get pod -L app=istiod -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.labels.istio\.io/rev}')
      kubectl label ns <namespace>$REVISION --overwrite
    2. If you already deployed app pods to the namespace, restart the workloads so that sidecars are injected into the pods. For example, you might roll out a restart to each deployment by using a command similar to the following.

        kubectl rollout restart deployment -n <namespace> <deployment>

    Next steps

    Now that you have Gloo Mesh Core and Istio up and running, check out some of the following resources to learn more about Gloo Mesh Core and expand your service mesh capabilities.


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