Deploy Gloo Mesh Core to gain valuable insights into your Istio service mesh.
Gloo Mesh Core deploys alongside your Istio installation in a single-cluster environment, and gives you instant insights into your Istio service mesh through a custom dashboard. You can follow this guide to quickly get started with Gloo Mesh Core. To learn more about the benefits and architecture, see About. To customize your installation with Helm instead, see the advanced installation guide.
curl -sL | GLOO_MESH_VERSION=v2.6.7 sh -
export PATH=$HOME/.gloo-mesh/bin:$PATH
Create or use an existing Kubernetes cluster, and save the cluster name in an environment variable.
The cluster name must be alphanumeric with no special characters except a hyphen (-), lowercase, and begin with a letter (not a number).
export CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster_name>
Set your Gloo Mesh Core license key as an environment variable. If you do not have one, contact an account representative. If you prefer to specify license keys in a secret instead, see Licensing. To check your license’s validity, you can run meshctl license check --key $(echo ${GLOO_MESH_CORE_LICENSE_KEY} | base64 -w0).
Install all Gloo Mesh Core components in the same cluster as your Istio service mesh.
Install Gloo Mesh Core in your cluster. This command uses a basic profile to create a gloo-mesh namespace and install the Gloo control and data plane components. For more information, check out the CLI install profiles.
Verify that your Gloo Mesh Core setup is correctly installed. If not, try debugging the relay connection. Note that this check might take a few seconds to verify that:
Your Gloo product license is valid and current.
The Gloo CRDs are installed at the correct version.
The management plane pods in the management cluster are running and healthy.
The Gloo agent is running and connected to the management server.
meshctl check
Example output:
🟢 License status
INFO gloo-mesh-core enterprise license expiration is 25 Aug 24 10:38 CDT
🟢 CRD version check
🟢 Gloo deployment status
Namespace | Name | Ready | Status
gloo-mesh | gloo-mesh-mgmt-server | 1/1 | Healthy
gloo-mesh | gloo-mesh-redis | 1/1 | Healthy
gloo-mesh | gloo-mesh-ui | 1/1 | Healthy
gloo-mesh | gloo-telemetry-collector-agent | 3/3 | Healthy
gloo-mesh | prometheus-server | 1/1 | Healthy
🟢 Mgmt server connectivity to workload agents
Cluster | Registered | Connected Pod
test | true | gloo-mesh/gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-558cddbbd7-rf2hv
Connected Pod | Clusters
gloo-mesh/gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-558cddbbd7-rf2hv | 1
Check whether an Istio control plane already exists.
kubectl get pods -n istio-system
If an istiod pod exists, such as in this example output, you already installed an Istio control plane. Continue to the next step.
istiod-1-22-b65676555-g2vmr 1/1 Running 0 57s
If no istiod pod exists, you can use the Solo distribution of Istio to install a sidecar or ambient service mesh. For more information, check out Solo distributions of Istio.
Deploy your service mesh with the standard sidecar approach. For more information about service mesh lifecycle management with Gloo, check out Service mesh lifecycle.
Download the gs-ilm-glm.yaml example file, which contains basic IstioLifecycleManager configuration for the istiod control plane and GatewayLifecycleManager configuration for an Istio ingress gateway. For more information about the custom resources, see the API reference.
Update the example file with the environment variables that you previously set, and save the updated file as gs-ilm-glm-values.yaml. For example, you can run a terminal command to substitute values:
Apply the IstioLifecycleManager and GatewayLifecycleManager CRs to your cluster.
kubectl apply -f gs-ilm-glm-values.yaml
Verify that the istiod pod has a status of Running.
kubectl get pods -n istio-system
Example output:
istiod-1-22-b65676555-g2vmr 1/1 Running 0 47s
Verify that the ingress gateway pod has a status of Running and that the load balancer service has an external address.
kubectl get pods,svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways
Example output:
istio-ingressgateway-665d46686f-nhh52 1/1 Running 0 106s
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer <externalip> 15021:32378/TCP,80:30315/TCP,443:32186/TCP,31400:30313/TCP,15443:31632/TCP 2m2s
Simplify your service mesh with a sidecarless approach by installing Istio in ambient mode. For more information, see About ambient mesh.
If you use Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters, create the following ResourceQuota in the istio-system namespace. For more information about this requirement, see the community Istio documentation.
Set environment variables for the Solo distribution of Istio that you want to install, including the image version, the image repository, and the Helm repository. You can find these values in the Ambient section of the Istio images built by support article.
# Solo distrubution of Istio patch version and tag, in the format 1.x.x-solo
export ISTIO_IMAGE=1.22.5-patch0-solo
# Solo distrubution of Istio repo
# Solo distrubution of Istio Helm repo
Install the Istio Helm charts, which create the following Istio ambient components:
base- CRDs and cluster roles required to install Istio
istiod- Ambient istiod control plane
cni- Istio CNI daemonset
ztunnel- ztunnel daemonset
gateway- Istio ingress gateway, which is exposed by the istio-ingressgateway service
OpenShift only: For each of the following Helm charts, you must include --set global.platform=openshift. Additionally, you must install the istio-cni and ztunnel releases in the kube-system namespace.
Verify that the components of the Istio control and data plane are successfully installed. Because the ztunnel and the CNI are deployed as daemon sets, the number of ztunnel pods and CNI pods each equal the number of nodes in your cluster. Note that it might take a few seconds for the pods to become available.
Verify that the load balancer service for the ingress gateway has an external address.
kubectl get svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways
Example output:
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer <externalip> 15021:32378/TCP,80:30315/TCP,443:32186/TCP,31400:30313/TCP,15443:31632/TCP 2m2s
To analyze your service mesh with Gloo Mesh Core, be sure to include your services in the mesh.
If you already deployed apps that you want to include in the mesh, you can run the following command to label the service namespace for Istio sidecar injection.
# deploy bookinfo application components for all versions less than v3
kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'app,version notin (v3)'
# deploy an updated product page with extra container utilities such as 'curl' and 'netcat'
kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f
# deploy all bookinfo service accounts
kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'account'
Verify that the Bookinfo app deployed successfully.
kubectl get pods,svc -n bookinfo
If you already deployed apps that you want to include in the mesh, you can run the following command to add all pods in the service namespace to the ambient mesh.
# deploy bookinfo application components for all versions less than v3
kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'app,version notin (v3)'
# deploy an updated product page with extra container utilities such as 'curl' and 'netcat'
kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f
# deploy all bookinfo service accounts
kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'account'
Verify that the Bookinfo app deployed successfully.
Use the Gloo UI to evaluate the health and efficiency of your service mesh. You can review the analysis and insights for your service mesh, such as recommendations to harden your Istio environment and steps to implement them in your environment.
Review your Dashboard for an at-a-glance overview of your Gloo Mesh Core environment. Environment insights, health, status, inventories, security, and more are summarized in the following cards:
Analysis and Insights: Gloo Mesh Core recommendations for how to improve your Istio setup.
Gloo and Istio health: A status check of the Gloo Mesh Core and Istio installations in your cluster.
Certificates Expiry: Validity timelines for your root and intermediate Istio certificates.
Cluster Services: Inventory of services in your Gloo Mesh Core setup, and whether those services are in a service mesh or not.
Istio FIPS: FIPS compliance checks for the istiod control plane and Istio data plane workloads.
Zero Trust: Number of service mesh workloads that receive only mutual TLS (mTLS)-encrypted traffic, and number of external services that are accessed from the mesh.
Review the insights for your environment. Gloo Mesh Core comes with an insights engine that automatically analyzes your Istio setups for health issues. Then, Gloo shares these issues along with recommendations to harden your Istio setups. The insights give you a checklist to address issues that might otherwise be hard to detect across your environment.
On the Analysis and Insights card of the dashboard, you can quickly see a summary of the insights for your environment, including how many insights are available at each severity level, and the type of insight.
View the list of insights by clicking the Details button, or go to the Insights page.
On the Insights page, you can view recommendations to harden your Istio setup, and steps to implement them in your environment. Gloo Mesh Core analyzes your setup, and returns individual insights that contain information about errors and warnings in your environment, best practices you can use to improve your configuration and security, and more.
On an insight that you want to resolve, click Details. The details modal shows more data about the insight, such as the time when it was last observed in your environment, and if applicable, the extended settings or configuration that the insight applies to.
Click the Target YAML tab to see the resource file that the insight references, and click the View Resolution Steps tab to see guidance such as steps for fixing warnings and errors in your resource configuration or recommendations for improving your security and setup.
Now that you have Gloo Mesh Core and Istio up and running, check out some of the following resources to learn more about Gloo Mesh Core and expand your service mesh capabilities.