Installation Helm chart

All components for a full Gloo Mesh Core installation are available in the gloo-platform Helm chart.

Helm installations allow for extensive customization of Gloo settings, and are suitable for proof-of-concept or production setups. Within the gloo-platform chart, you can find the configuration options for all components in the following sections.

Component sectionDescription
clickhouseConfiguration for the Clickhouse deployment, which stores logs from Gloo telemetry collector agents. See the Bitnami Clickhouse Helm chart for the complete set of values.
commonCommon values shared across components. When applicable, these can be overridden in specific components.
demoDemo-specific features that improve quick setups. Do not use in production.
experimentalDeprecated: Use featureGates fields instead.
extAuthServiceConfiguration for the Gloo external authentication service.
featureGatesExperimental features for Gloo. Disabled by default.
glooAgentConfiguration for the Gloo agent.
glooAnalyzerConfiguration for the Gloo analyzer, which gathers data on Gloo and Istio components.
glooInsightsEngineConfiguration for the Gloo insights engine, which creates Solo insights.
glooMgmtServerConfiguration for the Gloo management server.
glooNetworkGloo Network agent configuration options.
glooPortalServerConfiguration for the Gloo Portal server deployment.
glooSpireServerConfiguration for the Gloo Spire server deployment.
glooUiConfiguration for the Gloo UI.
istioInstallationsConfiguration for deploying managed Istio control plane and gateway installations by using the Istio lifecycle manager. The istioInstallations Helm settings can be helpful for simple use cases to set up Istio quickly, such as single cluster Gloo Mesh Gateway demos. Otherwise, install Istio by using the IstioLifecycleManager and GatewayLifecycleManager custom resources.
jaegerConfiguration for the Gloo Jaeger instance.
licensingGloo product licenses.
postgresqlConfiguration for Gloo PostgreSQL instance.
prometheusHelm values for configuring Prometheus. See the Prometheus Helm chart for the complete set of values.
rateLimiterConfiguration for the Gloo rate limiting service.
redisConfiguration for the default Redis instance.
telemetryCollectorConfiguration for the Gloo telemetry collector agents. See the OpenTelemetry Helm chart for the complete set of values.
telemetryCollectorCustomizationOptional customization for the Gloo telemetry collector agents.
telemetryGatewayConfiguration for the Gloo telemetry gateway. See the OpenTelemetry Helm chart for the complete set of values.
telemetryGatewayCustomizationOptional customization for the Gloo telemetry gateway.

You can see all possible fields that you can set for the chart by running the following command.

  helm show values gloo-platform/gloo-platform --version v2.5.13 > all-values.yaml

For more information about each field, see the Helm values documentation. To set up Gloo Mesh Core with Helm, see the advanced installation guide.

CRD Helm chart

All CRDs that are required for a Gloo Mesh Core installation are available in the gloo-platform-crds Helm chart.

By default, this Helm chart installs all CRDs that are available in Gloo, including CRDs that you can use only if you have a Gloo Mesh Enterprise or Gloo Mesh Gateway license. To install only the CRDs that are relevant to Gloo Mesh Core, set installEnterpriseCrds to false. To see all CRD installation options, see the Helm values documentation.

When you set installEnterpriseCrds to false, the following CRDs are installed:

If you already installed the chart, you can run kubectl get crds -A | grep to see the installed CRDs.