
Proto: lua_policy.proto




The report shows the resources that the policy selects after the policy is successfully applied.

Field Description
workspaces (repeated LuaPolicyReport.WorkspacesEntry)

The status of the resource in each workspace that it exists in.
selectedRoutes (repeated

A list of references to all routes selected by the policy.
selectedDestinationPorts (repeated

A list of destination ports selected by the policy.


Field Description
key (string)

value (


Specifications for the policy.

Field Description
applyToRoutes (repeated

Select the routes where the policy will be applied. If empty ({}), the policy applies to all routes in the workspace. If omitted and the policy also does not select any destinations, the policy applies to all routes in the workspace. If omitted and the policy selects a destination, the policy does not apply to any routes.
applyToDestinations (repeated

Select the destinations where the policy will be applied. Only Kubernetes services are supported. By default if omitted, the policy does not apply to any destinations. If empty ({}), the policy applies to all destinations in the workspace.
config (LuaPolicySpec.Config)

The details of the Lua policy to apply to the selected routes and destinations.


The details of the Lua policy to apply to the selected routes and destinations.

Field Description
sourceCode (LuaPolicySpec.Config.SourceCode)

Lua code to be executed by the policy. Both envoy_on_request and envoy_on_response functions are supported.
phase (

Optional: Set when to apply the Lua filter in the request chain, either before (preAuthz) or after (postAuthz) authorization. If no phase is specified, defaults to preAuthz.


Field Description
inlineString (string)

Lua code in string format.


The status of the policy after it is applied to your Gloo environment.Status

Field Description
common (

The state and workspace conditions of the applied resource.
numSelectedRoutes (uint32)

The number of routes selected by the policy.
numSelectedDestinationPorts (uint32)

The number of destination ports selected by the policy.