Configure gateway listeners

Set up listeners on your ingress gateway to set up ingress to workloads in your cluster. For more information about gateway listeners and other options you have to secure incoming network traffic, see Ingress traffic.

Listener overview

Learn how to select the type of gateway listener that is right for your setup.


Use virtual gateways to configure HTTP listeners for your ingress gateway.

Simple TLS

Set up TLS certificates for your gateway to serve HTTPS traffic.

Mutual TLS (mTLS)

Set up an additional layer of security by enforcing mutual authentication between a client and the ingress gateway.

TLS passthrough

Set up a TLS listener on the gateway that serves one or more hosts and passes TLS traffic through to a destination.

TCP passthrough

Set up a TCP listener on the gateway that serves one or more hosts and passes TCP traffic through to a destination.

Multiple hosts on one listener (SNI)

Configure an HTTPS/TLS listener for multiple hosts on the same listener.