Helm value reference

Manage your Gloo Platform installation by using the gloo-platform and gloo-platform-crds Helm charts. You can use this reference documentation to customize your Helm installation values for various Gloo Platform components. To learn how to update your installation values through these Helm charts, see the upgrade guide.

In Gloo Platform version 2.5 and later, the legacy ‘gloo-mesh-enterprise’, ‘gloo-mesh-agent’, ‘gloo-mesh-managed-installations’, and other included Helm charts are unsupported. If you installed Gloo Platform by using these legacy Helm charts, or if you used ‘meshctl’ version 2.2 or earlier to install Gloo Platform, you must migrate your legacy installation to the new ‘gloo-platform’ Helm chart.

Gloo Platform Helm chart

All Gloo Platform components are available in the gloo-platform Helm chart. You can see all possible fields for the Helm chart by running helm show values gloo-platform/gloo-platform --version v2.5.5 > all-values.yaml.

Configuration options for the gloo-platform Helm chart are organized into the following sections:

Component section Description
clickhouse Configuration for the Clickhouse deployment, which stores logs from Gloo Platform Telemetry Collectors. See the Bitnami Clickhouse Helm chart for the complete set of values.
common Common values shared across components. When applicable, these can be overridden in specific components.
demo Demo-specific features that improve quick setups. Do not use in production.
experimental Deprecated: Use ‘featureGates’ fields instead.
extAuthService Configuration for the Gloo external authentication service.
featureGates Experimental features for Gloo Platform. Disabled by default.
glooAgent Configuration for the Gloo agent.
glooMgmtServer Configuration for the Gloo management server.
glooNetwork Gloo Network configuration options.
glooPortalServer Configuration for the Gloo Platform Portal server deployment.
glooSpireServer Configuration for the Gloo Platform Spire server deployment.
glooUi Configuration for the Gloo UI.
istioInstallations Configuration for deploying managed Istio control plane and gateway installations by using the Istio lifecycle manager.
jaeger Configuration for the Gloo Platform Jaeger instance.
legacyMetricsPipeline Configuration for the legacy metrics pipeline, which is unsupported in Gloo Platform version 2.4 and later.
licensing Gloo Platform product licenses.
postgresql Configuration for Gloo Platform PostgreSQL instance.
prometheus Helm values for configuring Prometheus. See the Prometheus Helm chart for the complete set of values.
rateLimiter Configuration for the Gloo rate limiting service.
redis Configuration for the default Redis instance.
telemetryCollector Configuration for the Gloo Platform Telemetry Collector. See the OpenTelemetry Helm chart for the complete set of values.
telemetryCollectorCustomization Optional customization for the Gloo Platform Telemetry Collector.
telemetryGateway Configuration for the Gloo Platform Telemetry Gateway. See the OpenTelemetry Helm chart for the complete set of values.
telemetryGatewayCustomization Optional customization for the Gloo Platform Telemetry Gateway.

Gloo Platform CRDs Helm chart

All Gloo Platform CRDs are available in the gloo-platform-crds Helm chart.

To see the CRDs that this chart installs, check out the list of Gloo CRDs. Or, if you already installed the chart, you can run kubectl get crds -A | grep gloo.solo.io.