Backstage frontend plugin

You can use the Gloo Platform Portal Backstage frontend plugin to create a developer portal frontend for your developers so that they can view and access your API products. Backstage is an open-source platform that was created at Spotify and later donated to CNCF. The Backstage platform allows you to expose multiple infrastructure and software development tools under a centralized software catalog. You can also find Gloo Platform Portal's plugin from the Backstage plugin catalog.

Looking to add your Gloo Platform Portal APIs to your existing Backstage API catalog? Try the backend plugin. By setting up the backend, you create the necessary Backstage entities to integrate your APIs into the Backstage catalog. You also enable periodic fetching to make sure your APIs stay up to date. Then, you can use your APIs as part of Backstage, such as to bundle your API products with other APIs in the Backstage catalog to create your own customized developer portal.

Before you begin

  1. Configure the developer portal, including to create and expose the portal server securely.

  2. Make sure that you set up the OAuth external authentication policy for the OIDC provider that you want to use, such as Keycloak or Okta.

  3. Configure the OAuth details to protect your frontend app. The steps vary by OIDC provider.

    Follow the Okta access token example to configure Okta and create the external auth policy.
    1. Follow the steps to install Keycloak.
    2. Follow the steps to configure Keycloak.
    3. Create the secret and ext auth server. Note that you can skip creating the httpbin sample app route table, as you create a route table for portal later.
    4. Configure OAuth with external auth policy for access token validation.

Install the Gloo Portal Backstage plugin

You can install a frontend plugin for your developer portal in your Backstage application. Choose from among the following options.

You can use a sample container image in Solo’s public image registry, This image is for a simple Backstage app that already has the Gloo Platform Portal plugin integrated. Continue to Deploy your Backstage app.
This guide assumes that you created a Backstage app that is named portal and that the portal directory represents the Backstage root directory.
  1. Create or use an existing Backstage app. If you do not have a Backstage app, follow the getting started guide to install one on your local machine.

    cd portal
  2. Install the Gloo Platform Portal Backstage frontend plugin into your Backstage app.

    yarn add --cwd ./packages/app
  3. From the Backstage app root directory, open the /packages/app/src/App.tsx file.

    open packages/app/src/App.tsx
  4. Add the following imports to the top of the App.tsx file.

    import {
    } from '';
  5. In the same App.tsx file, add the following routes to the <FlatRoutes> element.

    <Route path="/gloo-platform-portal" element={<GlooPortalHomePage />} />
    <Route path="/gloo-platform-portal/apis" element={<GlooPortalHomePage />} />
    <Route path="/gloo-platform-portal/usage-plans" element={<GlooPortalHomePage />} />
      element={<GlooPortalApiDetailsPage />}
  6. From the Backstage app root directory, open the /packages/app/src/components/Root/Root.tsx file.

    open packages/app/src/components/Root/Root.tsx
  7. Add the following import to the top of the Root.tsx file.

    import { GlooIcon } from '';
  8. In the same Root.tsx file, add the following icon to the <SidebarScrollWrapper/> element.

    <SidebarItem icon={GlooIcon} to="gloo-platform-portal" text="Gloo Portal" />
  9. From the Backstage app root directory, open the app-config.local.yaml file.

    open app-config.local.yaml
  10. Configure the details of the OAuth identity provider that you use for external authentication to your Gloo Platform Portal. Replace the $PORTAL_URL, $CLIENT_ID, $TOKEN_ENDPOINT, $AUTH_ENDPOINT, and $LOGOUT_ENDPOINT variables with the values that you previously retrieved. For more information, see the OAuth step in Before you begin.

    Example command to get your OAuth details:

    echo $PORTAL_URL
    echo $CLIENT_ID

    Example app-config.local.yaml file:

    # Backstage override configuration for your local development environment
      # The URL of the Gloo Platform Portal REST server.
      # Format this variable with a "/v1" path, such as: "".
      # The default value is: "http://localhost:31080/v1".
      portalServerUrl: "$PORTAL_URL"
      # The OAuth identity provider's Client ID.
      # In Keycloak, open the $KEYCLOAK_URL UI, click Clients, and from the Settings tab, find the Client ID.
      # In Okta, open your $OKTA_URL and from the Applications section, find your app's Client ID.
      clientId: "$CLIENT_ID"
      # The endpoint to get the OAuth token.
      # In Okta or Keycloak, you can find the `token_endpoint` property at:
      # $KEYCLOAK_URL/auth/realms/<your-realm>/.well-known/openid-configuration
      # $OKTA_URL/.well-known/openid-configuration
      tokenEndpoint: "$TOKEN_ENDPOINT"
      # The endpoint to get the PKCE authorization code.
      # In Okta or Keycloak, you can find the `authorization_endpoint` property at:
      # $KEYCLOAK_URL/auth/realms/<your-realm>/.well-known/openid-configuration
      # $OKTA_URL/.well-known/openid-configuration
      authEndpoint: "$AUTH_ENDPOINT"
      # The endpoint to end the session.
      # In Okta or Keycloak, you can find the `end_session_endpoint` property at:
      # $KEYCLOAK_URL/auth/realms/<your-realm>/.well-known/openid-configuration
      # $OKTA_URL/.well-known/openid-configuration
      logoutEndpoint: "$LOGOUT_ENDPOINT"
  11. Open the Backstage app. The app opens on http://localhost:3000.

    yarn dev
  12. From the menu, select Gloo Portal. Verify that you see the Gloo Portal welcome screen.

    Gloo Portal welcome screen

  13. Click Login. You are redirected to your OAuth provider site, where you can log in with the credentials of one of the users that you configured, such as user1 username and password password for Keycloak.

You successfully installed and verified the Gloo Platform Portal frontend plugin for Backstage!

Deploy your Backstage app

In the previous section, you set up your Backstage app with the Gloo Platform Portal frontend plugin locally. Now, you can deploy your Backstage app to your cluster.

The following steps use a simple deployment with Solo's sample Backstage frontend app. To create your own Backstage app, you can follow the Backstage documentation to containerize and deploy your Backstage app as a Kubernetes deployment.

  1. Create a Postgres database instance that your Backstage app can access. For example, you might deploy Postgres to your cluster. Or, you might create a Postgres database instance in the same cloud provider, such as Amazon RDS for Postgres SQL or Google Cloud SQL.

    Make sure that your cluster can connect to the Postgres instance. For example, you might have to create the Postgres instance in the same virtual private cloud (VPC) network as your cluster and enable connectivity.

  2. Create a secret with the connection details of the Postgres database instance to use for your Backstage deployment.

    • POSTGRES_USER: A common default username is postgres. If your username differs, update this value.
    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Replace with the password for the username to your Postgres instance.
    • POSTGRES_HOST: Replace with the hostname to your Postgres instance. Note that this host must be accessible from your cluster. If you deployed Postgres in your cluster, this value is the name of the service in the same namespace as your Backstage app, such as postgres.
    • POSTGRES_PORT: The default port is 5432. If your port is different, update this value.
    kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: postgres-secrets
      namespace: backstage
    type: Opaque
      POSTGRES_USER: "postgres"
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "password"
      POSTGRES_HOST: "postgres"
      POSTGRES_PORT: "5432"
  3. Create a secret with the details of the OAuth identity provider that you use for external authentication to your Gloo Platform Portal. Replace the variables with the values that you previously retrieved. For more information, see the OAuth step in Before you begin.

    • PORTAL_SERVER_URL: The URL that the Gloo Platform Portal REST server is available on. This URL matches the host in the route table for the gloo-mesh-portal-server, such as You can check the hostnames of your route tables with the following command. For local development, use the default value http://localhost:31080/v1. Format this variable with a /v1 path, such as:
    • CLIENT_ID: The OAuth identity provider's Client ID.
      • In Keycloak, open the $KEYCLOAK_URL, click Clients, and from the Settings tab, find the Client ID.
      • In Okta, open the $OKTA_URL and from the Applications section, find your app's Client ID.
    • In your OAuth provider, access the well-known OpenID config path for your authorization server, such as the following examples for Keycloak and Okta.
      • Keycloak OpenID config path: $KEYCLOAK_URL/auth/realms/<your-realm>/.well-known/openid-configuration
      • Okta OpenID config path: $OKTA_URL/oauth2/default/.well-known/openid-configuration
    • From the OpenID config path, get the values for the following endpoints:
      • TOKEN_ENDPOINT: The endpoint to get the OAuth token.
      • AUTH_ENDPOINT: The endpoint to get the PKCE authorization code.
      • LOGOUT_ENDPOINT: The endpoint to end the session.

    Keep in mind that the Portal URL and OAuth endpoints that you set in the deployment configuration must match. For example, if you use a secure HTTPS gateway, then the Portal URL and OAuth endpoints should begin with https:// instead of http://.

    kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: backstage-secrets
      namespace: backstage
    type: Opaque
  4. Create the Kubernetes resources that you need to run your Backstage frontend app.

    • ServiceAccount: Create a separate service account for your frontend app so that its identity is separate from the other apps that run in the namespace.
    • Service: Create a service for the frontend app so that you can expose it securely.
    • Deployment: Create a deployment to run the frontend app.
      The following example uses a sample Backstage image from Solo's public image registry. If you built your container image in a different container registry, copy and update the YAML configuration file image location before applying the file to your cluster.
    kubectl apply -n backstage -f
  5. Create a route table to expose the frontend app securely through the ingress gateway. The following example uses the host It refers to the virtual gateway that you created when you configured the developer portal. For more examples such as HTTPS/TLS, see Configure gateway listeners.

    kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
    kind: RouteTable
      name: portal-backstage-frontend
      namespace: gloo-mesh-gateways
        app: backstage-frontend
        - ""
        - name: istio-ingressgateway-portal
          namespace: gloo-mesh-gateways
        - name: backstage-frontend
              - port:
                  number: 80
                  name: backstage-frontend
                  namespace: backstage
                  cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME
            route: portal-api
            - uri:
                prefix: /
  6. Verify your Backstage frontend app.

Verify your Backstage frontend app

Now that you built and deployed your frontend app, you can access the developer portal in your browser.

  1. Check that the Backstage frontend app's resources are healthy.

    kubectl get all -n backstage -l app=backstage-frontend
  2. Verify that you can access the developer portal frontend in your web browser. If you used the example in this guide, enter in your web browser.

    Backstage portal welcome screen

If you click Login but see an Access issues error message or cannot view the APIs or usage plans, see Debug the frontend app for portal.

Next steps

Great job! You deployed the Backstage frontend app for the developer portal. Now, when you update your Portal resource to add new API products, usage plans, or metadata, the frontend is automatically updated for you.