Canary upgrade

Use a canary upgrade model to upgrade Gloo Edge, such as in production environments.

In the canary model, you run two deployments of gloo in your cluster: the existing deployment that runs your current version, and a canary deployment that runs the version you want to upgrade to. After you create the canary deployment, you verify that it handles traffic as you expect before upgrading to the new version. This approach helps you reduce potential downtime for production upgrades.

Step 1: Prepare to upgrade

Before you begin, follow the Prepare to upgrade guide to complete these preparatory steps:

Step 2: Upgrade glooctl

Follow the steps in Update glooctl CLI version to update glooctl to the version you want to upgrade to.

Step 3: Upgrade Gloo Edge

Now you’re ready to upgrade. The steps vary depending on your Gloo Edge installation.

Upgrade Gloo Edge Open Source or Enterprise

  1. Set the version to upgrade Gloo Edge to in an environment variable, such as the latest patch version for open source ( 1.15.33) or enterprise ( 1.15.22).

    export CANARY_VERSION=<version>
  2. Update and pull the Gloo Edge Helm chart for the canary version.

    helm repo add gloo
    helm repo update
    helm pull gloo/gloo --version $CANARY_VERSION --untar
    helm repo add glooe
    helm repo update
    helm pull glooe/gloo-ee --version $CANARY_VERSION --untar

  3. Apply the CRDs for the canary version to your cluster. The Gloo Edge CRDs are designed to be backward compatible, so the new CRDs should not impact the performance of your existing installation. For more information, see the list of CRD changes for 1.15.

    kubectl apply -f gloo/crds
    kubectl apply -f gloo-ee/charts/gloo/crds

  4. Install the canary version of Gloo Edge in your cluster in a new namespace, gloo-system-$CANARY_VERSION.

    glooctl install gateway \
      --create-namespace \
      -n gloo-system-$CANARY_VERSION \
      --version $CANARY_VERSION

    Note that you must set your license key by using the --license-key $LICENSE_KEY flag or including the license_key: $LICENSE_KEY setting in your values file. If you do not have a license key, request a Gloo Edge Enterprise trial.

    glooctl install gateway enterprise \
      --create-namespace \
      -n gloo-system-$CANARY_VERSION \
      --version $CANARY_VERSION \
      --license-key $LICENSE_KEY

  5. Verify that your existing and canary versions of Gloo Edge are running.

    kubectl get all -n gloo-system
    kubectl get all -n gloo-system-$CANARY_VERSION
  6. Check the Feature changes to modify any custom resources for any changes or new capabilities in 1.15.

  7. Test your routes and monitor the metrics of the canary version.

    glooctl check
  8. Uninstall the previous version of Gloo Edge so that your cluster uses the new version going forward.

    glooctl uninstall -n gloo-system

Upgrade Gloo Edge Federation

In the canary upgrade model for Gloo Edge Federation, you start with an existing version of Gloo Edge Federation in your management cluster that manages one or more remote Gloo Edge instances. To test a new version, you install the canary version of Gloo Edge Federation in a new namespace on the management cluster. Then, you install one or more Gloo Edge instances that run the canary version in remote test clusters, register the test clusters, and check your setup. Finally, you deregister the remote test clusters from the previous version of Gloo Edge Federation, and uninstall the previous Gloo Edge Federation version from the management cluster.

  1. Set your Gloo Edge license key in an environment variable. If you do not have a license key, request a Gloo Edge Enterprise trial.

    export LICENSE_KEY=<version>
  2. Set the version to upgrade Gloo Edge to in an environment variable, such as the latest patch version ( 1.15.22).

    export CANARY_VERSION=<version>
  3. Update and pull the Gloo Edge Federation Helm chart for the canary version.

    helm repo add gloo-fed
    helm repo update
    helm pull gloo-fed/gloo-fed --version $CANARY_VERSION --untar
  4. Apply the CRDs for the canary version to your management cluster. The Gloo Edge CRDs are designed to be backward compatible, so the new CRDs should not impact the performance of your existing installation. However, if after evaluating the canary installation you decide to continue to use the existing installation, you can easily remove any added CRDs by referring to the listed changes to CRD names and running kubectl delete crd <CRD>. Then, to re-apply previous versions of CRDs, you can run helm pull gloo/gloo --version <previous_version> --untar and kubectl apply -f gloo/crds.

    kubectl apply -f gloo-fed/crds
  5. Install the canary version of Gloo Edge Federation in a new namespace, gloo-system-$CANARY_VERSION, in your management cluster.

    helm install gloo-fed gloo-fed/gloo-fed \
      --create-namespace \
      -n gloo-system-$CANARY_VERSION \
      --version $CANARY_VERSION \
      --set-string license_key=$LICENSE_KEY
  6. Verify that your existing and canary versions of Gloo Edge Federation are running.

    kubectl get all -n gloo-system
    kubectl get all -n gloo-system-$CANARY_VERSION
  7. Install and register Gloo Edge Enterprise on one of your remote clusters. Make sure that the version of Gloo Edge Enterprise matches the canary version of Gloo Edge Federation that you installed.

  8. Check the Feature changes for any changes or new capabilities in 1.15. In your management cluster, create or modify any federated custom resources with these changes to test your canary version of Gloo Edge Federation. Because Gloo Edge Federation scans all federated resources on the management cluster, you might want to reuse the existing federated resources in the gloo-system namespace.

    Expand for an example federated virtual service configuration

  9. Check that the updated, federated custom resources from the management cluster are propagated to the remote test cluster.

    1. In the management cluster, verify that the federated resources are propagated to the remote clusters by reviewing the federated resource configuration. This example gets the configuration for the federated virtual service from the previous step.
      kubectl get federatedvirtualservice -n gloo-fed -o yaml

      In this example output, the PLACED state in the status section confirms that the resource is federated:

                    state: PLACED
                    state: PLACED

    2. In the remote clusters, confirm that the federated resources are created. The following commands are based on the previous step’s example.
      • In the existing version’s remote cluster, verify that the resource is federated with only the existing version’s configuration. In the example, the existing 1.12 version has an updated numRetries: 10, but no retryBackOff section, which is available only in version 1.13 or later.
        kubectl get virtualservices -n gloo-system --context remote1 -o yaml
            numRetries: 10
            perTryTimeout: 5s
            retryOn: connect-failure
      • In the canary version’s remote cluster, verify that the resource is federated with only the canary version’s configuration. In the example, the canary 1.13 version has an updated numRetries: 10, as well as a retryBackOff section.
        kubectl get virtualservices -n gloo-system --context remote2 -o yaml
            numRetries: 10
            perTryTimeout: 5s
            retryOn: connect-failure
              baseInterval: 1s
              maxInterval: 3s
    3. Repeat the previous steps for each federated resource that you want to check.
  10. Test your routes and monitor the metrics of the canary version in your remote test cluster.

    glooctl check
  11. Shift traffic to the canary version of Gloo Edge Federation by uninstalling the previous version.

    1. Deregister your other remote clusters that still use the previous version of Gloo Edge Federation.
    2. Uninstall the previous version of Gloo Edge Federation so that your management cluster uses only the new version.
      glooctl uninstall -n gloo-system
    3. Optionally delete the previous version namespace from each remote cluster. The deregister command does not clean up the namespace and custom resources in the previous version.
      kubectl delete ns gloo-system

Roll back a canary upgrade

As you test your environment with the canary version of Gloo Edge, you might need to roll back to the previous version. You can follow a canary model for the rollback.

  1. Set the previous version that you want to roll back to as an environment variable.

    export ROLLBACK_VERSION=<version>
  2. If you already removed the previous version of Gloo Edge from your cluster, re-install Gloo Edge at the rollback version.

    1. Update and pull the Gloo Edge Helm chart for the rollback version. The Helm charts vary depending on the Gloo Edge installation option.
      helm repo update
      helm pull gloo/gloo --version $ROLLBACK_VERSION --untar
      helm repo update
      helm pull glooe/gloo-ee --version $ROLLBACK_VERSION --untar
      helm repo update
      helm pull gloo-fed/gloo-fed --version $ROLLBACK_VERSION --untar
    2. Install the rollback version of Gloo Edge in a new namespace in your cluster.
      glooctl install gateway \
        --create-namespace \
        -n gloo-system-$ROLLBACK_VERSION \
        --version $ROLLBACK_VERSION
      glooctl install gateway enterprise \
        --create-namespace \
        -n gloo-system-$ROLLBACK_VERSION \
        --version $ROLLBACK_VERSION \
        --license-key $LICENSE_KEY
      helm install gloo-fed gloo-fed/gloo-fed \
        --create-namespace \
        -n gloo-system-$ROLLBACK_VERSION \
        --version $ROLLBACK_VERSION \
        --set-string license_key=$LICENSE_KEY
  3. Revert any changes to custom resources that you made during the upgrade. For differences between versions, check the version change list and the changelogs.

  4. Gloo Edge Federation: Shift traffic from the canary version to the rollback version of Gloo Edge Federation.

    1. Deregister your test remote clusters that use the canary version of Gloo Edge Federation.
    2. Install and register Gloo Edge Enterprise using the rollback version on each remote cluster.
    3. Optionally delete the canary version namespace. The deregister command does not clean up the namespace and custom resources in the previous version.
      kubectl delete ns gloo-system-$CANARY_VERSION
  5. Uninstall the canary version of Gloo Edge from your cluster.

    glooctl uninstall -n gloo-system-$CANARY_VERSION
  6. Remove any new CRDs that were added in the canary version that are not present in the rollback version.

    1. Check the list of CRD changes in 1.15 for the names of any newly added CRDs.
    2. Delete any added CRDs.
      kubectl delete crd <CRD>
  7. Apply the Gloo CRDs from the rollback version Helm chart to your cluster. In Gloo Edge Federation, this cluster is the local management cluster.

    kubectl apply -f gloo/crds
    kubectl apply -f gloo-ee/charts/gloo/crds
    kubectl apply -f gloo-fed/crds

  8. Test your routes and monitor the metrics of the rollback version.

    glooctl check