
The Gloo Gateway add-on for Amazon EKS simplifies the process of installing, configuring, and updating Gloo Gateway on your EKS clusters. Amazon ensures that this add-on is compatible with EKS, providing you with a secure and reliable release. Using the add-on can help your organization meet internal compliance standards and manage account spending efficiently. For more details, refer to the AWS documentation.

Before you begin

  1. Create or use existing EKS clusters.

  2. Install any CLI tools that you might need to work with your cluster, such as the following:

    • aws cli, the Amazon Web Services command line tool.
    • eksctl, the AWS EKS command line tool.
    • kubectl, the Kubernetes command line tool. Download the kubectl version that is within one minor version of the Kubernetes clusters you plan to use.
    • istioctl, the Istio command line tool.
    • terraform, the infrastructure-as-code configuration language command line tool from HashiCorp.
  3. If you plan to install the add-on via automation such as Terraform, you must first accept the subscription terms in the AWS Marketplace console.

Install the EKS add-on

You can install the EKS add-on via the AWS console, the eksctl or aws CLI tools, or a GitOps tool such as Terraform.

Verify your installation

After the add-on is installed, verify that Gloo Gateway is working.

  1. Verify that the pods have a status of Running and Completed.

      kubectl get pods -n gloo-system

    Example output:

      NAME                             READY   STATUS      RESTARTS        AGE
    discovery-59f5cc8cd8-kbfl7       1/1     Running     0               2m32s
    gateway-proxy-7dddf5bc7b-8l9cg   1/1     Running     0               2m32s
    gloo-crd-job-k6t6p               0/1     Completed   0               2m32s
    gloo-f7cc57c8c-btzq6             1/1     Running     0               2m32s
    gloo-resource-rollout-hng4g      0/1     Completed   0               2m32s
  2. If you applied custom configurations, you can verify them within the related components of your EKS cluster.

    For example, to confirm the readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces example mentioned earlier, check the configuration in the Settings custom resource with the following command.

      kubectl get settings -n gloo-system -oyaml | grep readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces:

    Example output:

         readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces: false

    If you increased the number of replicas of the gateway proxy, you can verify by using the following command.

      kubectl describe deployments.apps -n gloo-system gateway-proxy | grep Replicas:

    Example output:

      Replicas:               2 desired | 2 updated | 2 total | 2 available | 0 unavailable

Next steps

Now that Gloo Gateway is installed in your cluster, review the following next steps you can take.

Uninstall the add-on

You can uninstall Gloo Gateway from your EKS cluster by using AWS. For more information about removing an EKS add-on, see the AWS docs.

  1. Remove the Gloo Gateway add-on for EKS.

  2. Clean up the gloo-system namespace in your cluster.

      kubectl delete namespace gloo-system