Upgrade the gloo control plane and any Gloo Gateway proxies that run in your cluster. During the upgrade, pods that run the new version of the control plane and proxies are created. Then, the old pods are terminated. Because zero downtime is not guaranteed, try testing the upgrade in a staging environment before upgrading your production environment.

  1. Update the Gloo Gateway Helm repositories.

      helm repo update
  2. Set the version to upgrade Gloo Gateway to in an environment variable, such as the latest patch version for open source (1.18.0-beta18) or enterprise (1.17.1).

  3. Apply the new and updated CRDs.

  4. Get the Helm values files for your current version.

      helm get values gloo-gateway -n gloo-system -o yaml > gloo-gateway.yaml
    open gloo-gateway.yaml
  5. Make any changes to your Helm values file.

  6. Upgrade the Helm release.

  7. Verify that Gloo Gateway runs the upgraded version.

      kubectl -n gloo-system get pod -l gloo=gloo -ojsonpath='{.items[0].spec.containers[0].image}'

    Example output:

  8. Confirm that the Gloo Gateway control plane is up and running.

      kubectl get pods -n gloo-system