An API subscription represents a request from a team to access a particular API product in Gloo Portal. While subscriptions are tightly connected to an app that a team owns, the Portal admin must approve subscriptions by using the Portal frontend app for subscriptions to be actually enforced.

The following restrictions apply to subscriptions:

  • Subscriptions are requested by a team for a particular app.
  • Subscriptions can be approved, rejected, or deleted by an admin user only. To log in to the Portal frontend as an admin, the user must have the group: admin claim in their ID token.
  • After a subscription is approved, the admin user can still reject or delete them.

Work with subscriptions

  1. Log in to the portal frontend app by using an admin user.
  2. In the frontend app, go to Subscriptions and find the pending subscription.
  3. Click Approve to approve a subscription, Reject to reject a subscription request, and Delete to delete the subscription. Note that you can still reject or delete a subscription after you approved it.


After approving a subscription, your users can view and work with an API product in Gloo Portal. You can enable more self-service features for Portal users, such as the following: