The information in this documentation is geared towards users that want to use Gloo Gateway proxies with the Kubernetes Gateway API. If you want to use the Gloo Edge API instead, see the Gloo Gateway (Gloo Edge API) documentation.
Amazon EKS add-on
Install Gloo Gateway with the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) add-on.
The Gloo Gateway add-on for Amazon EKS simplifies the process of installing, configuring, and updating Gloo Gateway on your EKS clusters. Amazon ensures that this add-on is compatible with EKS, providing you with a secure and reliable release. Using the add-on can help your organization meet internal compliance standards and manage account spending efficiently. For more details, refer to the AWS documentation.
The EKS add-on functions without a license key, just like the OSS version of Gloo Gateway. For enterprise users, you can add a license key after installation, as described later in this guide.
Scroll down to the AWS Marketplace add-ons section. In the search box, enter gateway into the search field to filter the results for the Gloo Gateway add-on.
Click the checkbox for the add-on, and then click Next.
If the Status field shows Requires subscription, click the View subscribtion options button and follow the AWS Marketplace prompts to subscribe to the add-on.
When the Status displays Ready to install, select the desired version to install.
Optional: In the Optional configuration settings section, you can customize the add-on by providing a YAML snippet in the bottom window. The Add-on configuration schema window in JSON format lists the settings that you can customize. In the Configuration values window, you can customize the settings in YAML or JSON format, such as shown in the following example. For a complete list of settings, refer to the Helm reference docs.
# For multiple gateways: read Gateway config in all 'watchNamespaces',
# not just the namespace that the gateway controller is deployed to
readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces: true
In the Conflict resolution method section, choose how to prioritize any custom settings that you added.
To proceed to the next page, click Next.
Review the add-on details, and then click Create.
From the cluster details page, click the Add-ons tab and verify that the status is Active. If the installation takes more than a few minutes, review the add-on status. Common issues include a lack of compute resources to run the deployment, such as no nodes.
Install the EKS add-on by using the eksctl command line tool. For complete EKS add-on instructions, see the AWS docs (eksctl Tab).
Get the name and region of the cluster that you want to install the add-on in.
eksctl get clusters -A
Set the name and region of the cluster that you want to install the add-on in. Replace <your-cluster-region> and <name-of-your-EKS-cluster> with the values that you got in the previous step.
# Set your cluster region (for example, us-west-2)
export REGION=<your-cluster-region>
# Set the name of your EKS cluster
export CLUSTER=<name-of-your-EKS-cluster>
Install the add-on, replacing the cluster and region with the values that you got in the previous step. For more options, such as specific version of the add-on, run eksctl create addon --help.
To pass more parameters, you can create a temporary configuration manifest and apply it using eksctl. The following example demonstrates how to adjust some commonly modified settings. For a complete list of settings, refer to the Helm reference docs.
cat <<EOF | eksctl create addon -f -
kind: ClusterConfig
name: $CLUSTER
region: $REGION
- name: solo-io_gloo-gateway
configurationValues: |-
# For multiple gateways: read Gateway config in all 'watchNamespaces',
# not just the namespace that the gateway controller is deployed to
readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces: true
version: v1.17.7-eksbuild.1
Check that the status of the addon is ACTIVE with null issues. If the installation takes more than a few minutes, review the add-on status. Common issues include a lack of compute resources to run the deployment, such as no nodes.
eksctl get addon --cluster $CLUSTER --region $REGION -oyaml
Example output:
- ConfigurationValues: |-
# For multiple gateways: read Gateway config in all 'watchNamespaces',
# not just the namespace that the gateway controller is deployed to
readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces: true
IAMRole: ""
Issues: null
Name: solo-io_gloo-gateway
NewerVersion: ""
PodIdentityAssociations: null
Status: ACTIVE
Version: v1.17.7-eksbuild.1
Install the EKS add-on by using the aws command line tool. For complete AWS command line tool add-on instructions, see the AWS docs (AWS CLI tab).
Specify the region of the cluster and confirm the cluster name where you want to install the add-on. Replace <your-cluster-region> with the EKS clusters region.
# Set your cluster region (for example, us-west-2)
export REGION=<your-cluster-region>
aws eks list-clusters --region $REGION
Set the name of the cluster that you want to install the add-on in. Replace <name-of-your-EKS-cluster> with the value that you got in the previous step.
# Set the name of your EKS cluster
export CLUSTER=<name-of-your-EKS-cluster>
Install the add-on. For more options, such as to set a specific version of the add-on, run eksctl create addon --help.
To pass custom settings to an AWS EKS add-on, convert your YAML configuration to JSON. Then, pass the JSON in the aws command, such as in the following example. For a complete list of settings, refer to the Helm reference docs:
Check that the status of the addon is ACTIVE with empty [] in Issues section. If the installation takes more than a few minutes, review the add-on status. Common issues include a lack of compute resources to run the deployment, such as no nodes.
Install the EKS add-on by using Terraform, such as for a GitOps pipeline.
Get the cluster name, cluster region, and EKS add-on version that you want to install.
Use the following example inside of your Terraform project, or directly by saving the example as Replace the region, cluster_name and addon_version with the values that you previously got. (The configuration_values sub-section is provided as an example. Decide on the values that you want to customize or remove the section entirely if the default values are sufficient.)
provider "aws" {
region = local.region
terraform {
required_version = ">= 1.0.0"
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = ">= 4.47"
locals {
region = "<your-cluster-region>" # Replace with your cluster region (for example, us-west-2)
cluster_name = "<name-of-your-EKS-cluster>" # Replace with the name of your EKS cluster
addon_version = "v1.17.7-eksbuild.1" # Replace with your desired addon version; for Ambient add extra '0' *(for example, v1.21.20-eksbuild.1)
resource "aws_eks_addon" "solo-io_gloo-gateway" {
cluster_name = local.cluster_name
addon_name = "solo-io_gloo-gateway"
resolve_conflicts_on_update = "OVERWRITE"
addon_version = local.addon_version
configuration_values = jsonencode({
gloo : {
gateway : {
readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces : true
From the directory of the file, run the Terraform commands to build the EKS add-on infrastructure.
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve
After the add-on is installed, verify that Gloo Gateway is working.
Verify that the pods have a status of Running and Completed.
kubectl get pods -n gloo-system
Example output:
discovery-59f5cc8cd8-kbfl7 1/1 Running 0 2m32s
gateway-proxy-7dddf5bc7b-8l9cg 1/1 Running 0 2m32s
gloo-crd-job-k6t6p 0/1 Completed 0 2m32s
gloo-f7cc57c8c-btzq6 1/1 Running 0 2m32s
gloo-resource-rollout-hng4g 0/1 Completed 0 2m32s
If you applied custom configurations, you can verify them within the related components of your EKS cluster.
For example, to confirm the readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces example mentioned earlier, check the configuration in the Settings custom resource with the following command.
kubectl get settings -n gloo-system -oyaml | grep readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces:
Example output:
readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces: false
If you increased the number of replicas of the gateway proxy, you can verify by using the following command.
In the search box, enter gateway to filter the results for the Gloo Gateway add-on.
Click the add-on, and then click Remove.
In the pop-up window, type the add-on name and click Remove. You can keep Istio running in your cluster but disable EKS add-on management by toggling Preserve on cluster.